This is the eleventh of nineteen HBW books I intend to read before I die. Published in 1923 and set in the American Southwest. Gold, good guys and bad guys.
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Tag: Values / Manners / Morals
Helen of the Old House
Of the nineteen HBW books, this title was the biggest deterrent to reading the book. But since it was the next one, I read it. But low and behold it turned out to be one of the best. It is about market economy versus unionism; capitalism versus socialism. And this written in 1921! What Wright […]
The Contrarians Guide to Leadership
Church leaders are so quick to pick up on ideas from the business world but just on the cute phrases and gimmicks. They seem to have fallen in love with Collins’ ideas of putting people off the bus and offering to help them move to another that better suits their needs versus really being a […]
The Re-Creation of Brian Kent
This is the ninth book by Harold Bell Wright written in 1919. Though the story is set in the Ozark hills similar to his most famous book, Shepherd of the Hills, this one is not nearly as good. Wright is always good at descriptions of nature and human nature. Sometimes the story line is better […]
William Holmes McGuffey and His Readers
I have a special interest in William McGuffey because I (and my siblings) spent eight years in the McGuffey elementary school in Oxford, Ohio. The School is located on the campus of Miami University where my father was a professor from 1955 to 1985. McGuffey taught at Miami from 1826 to 1836 in the field […]
When a Man’s A Man
I have finished the eighth of nineteen HBW books. I think this has been one of the best so far. Admittedly, you have to like westerns and cowboys, but most of us have such a little boy inside somewhere. The original publisher for Wright’s first nine books was The Book Supply Company. This one was […]
The Eyes of the World
I continue my goal of collecting and reading the original editions of Wright’s 19 books. His most famous, The Shepherd of the Hills, was his second book. His writings cover a period from 1903 to 1942. These are older personal interest novels written from a broad Christian point of view and set in rural America. […]
The Value of Life
What is the value of a human life from God’s perspective? Try the following exercise to get students thinking about the position of their established base values. This not only helps them to think in a broader sense, but can be a defining exercise in validating (or not) their own values. Give each student a […]
The Rise and Fall of the American Teenag...
Thomas Hine provides some interesting observations in this semi-historical book about the recent phenomenon called “the teenager.” The author’s opinion is that before the Depression and WWII, teenagers were considered adults as soon as they were capable of performing adult work and responsibilities. Since then, they have been “set aside” to wait until they become […]
The Thesis or Antithesis? (part 3)
This is the third article in a series having to do with a comparison between conservative and contemporary churches. Labels are often unfortunate because contemporary churches may also call themselves fundamental or conservative in certain ways. They usually mean that they are conservative in their list of “doctrinal” beliefs although other beliefs about biblical practices […]