Vital Issues of the Year By RBP, Various Authors Regular Baptist Press published this booklet in 1973. It was for the purpose of keeping the GARBC churches informed of various issues at the time. They include: evangelism and missions, the ecumenical movement, the charismatic movement, alcohol, drugs, the sexual revolution, race relations, divorce, the occult, […]
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Tag: Third Wave / Signs & Wonders / Cessationism
The God Who Speaks
“God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds” Hebrews 1:1-2 America is quickly leaving a word-based society […]
The Power of a Whisper
This book is a prime example of today’s anemic Christianity trying to walk in every way except by the Word of God. Hybels gives a detailed history of his own ministry and how (he believes) God talked to him through “whispers” all along the way. This is not just the usual “I believe God was […]
Things that Peep and Mutter
“And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead? To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no […]
The Final Word
O. Palmer Robertson is Director and Principal of African Bible College, Uganda, and Professor of Theology at African Bible College, Malawi. Formerly, he had been on the faculties of Knox, Covenant, Westminster, and Reformed Seminaries. He is the author of several books, including The Christ of the Covenants, Understanding the Land of the Bible, and […]
The Holy Spirit
Ryrie wrote the first edition of this book in 1965 and it has gone through several editions since then. The bulk of it is also reproduced in his Basic Theology. In rereading the book (an easy read of 120 pages) I was encouraged by the orthodox presentation of what can be a very controversial doctrine. […]
Systematic Theology, Vol 1
Those of us who sat under Dr. McCune, whether at Central Seminary in Minneapolis or at Detroit Seminary, are glad that he is writing (my syllabus notes are getting old and tattered). Reviewing this volume, Dr. Larry Pettegrew writes, “Highlights include a presuppositional apologetic, a single source (Scripture) as the only rule for theology, cessationism […]
Spirit Filled: an individual responsibi...
The local church is made up of individual believers. Each believer comes into the church by testimony of his faith in Christ exhibited by believer’s baptism. The local church is the earthly expression of the body of Christ and must keep itself pure, by all human means, of unbelief within its members. Only in this […]
Are You a Full Gospel Christian?
Dr. Lavender is the pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Kansas City and is also Vice President of Carver Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary. His thoughts on the danger of the Charismatic movement, especially the health and wealth gospel, are pointed and also timely. I appreciate him sending me a copy!
Charismatic Confusion
Dr. Pickering wrote this book in 1976. Regular Baptist Press printed a 1980 edition and recently in 2006. All non-Charismatic believers need to have a good grasp on why the miraculous gifts ceased with the passing of the Apostles and the completion of the New Testament. This is best done by a fundamental and dispensational […]