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The Last Days According to Jesus

This is a 2015 edition of a 1998 defense of preterism by R.C. Sproul. Sproul has become the most prominent defender of preterism over the last few years. He divides preterism into two basic divisions: partial and full. He describes himself and Kenneth Gentry as partial preterists, and categorizes Max R. King, Edward Stevens, David […]

And It Came To Pass

This book is a composite of articles from The Third Annual C.E.F. Symposium on Preterism. It is fowarded by R.C. Sproul, the most well-known preterist of our day, and was published by Canon Plus in Moscow, Idaho in 1993. It is not, therefore, the most recent thing published by any means, but I don’t think […]

Ethics and the Christian

R.C. Sproul wrote this book (of only 94 pages) in 1983.  My marks were in it from years ago but I didn’t recall reading it.  As I read it I was satisfied again to be reading in the area of Christian ethics.  Sproul dealt with ethics and morals, legalism and antinomianism.  In these areas he […]

The Mystery of the Holy Spirit

Few Evangelical writers have turned out more books in the last ten years than R.C. Sproul.  Many of us appreciate his stand against the ECT document and other compromises of the grace of God.  I enjoy his doctrinal books because of the amount of Scripture and  information included.  I always take exception to his hyper-Calvinism […]

Grace Unknown

This is the third book I have read by Sproul in the last year in which he defends the Reformed Faith, specifically those doctrines related to salvation by faith.  These books are a valuable reference in the current controversy over Catholic faith and evangelical faith.  It is disappointing when Sproul refers to Fundamentalism as “unscholarly […]

Willing to Believe

This 1997 book by Sproul is a Calvinistic answer to Clark Pinnock, editor of a 1989 volume, The Grace of God, The Will of Man, a case for Arminianism.  Sproul points out that though both sides give assent to the freedom of man to choose, the underlying issue is whether prevenient grace from God enables […]

Faith Alone

This 1995 Baker book is a Reformed or Protestant answer to the Evangelicals and Catholics Together accord. It is forwarded by Michael Horton and recommended by John MacArthur, R. Albert Mohler, Jr., James M. Boice and Jerry Bridges. Sproul has done a great service to those of us who cannot agree with the accord in […]