A Word from the Author
It is with a grateful heart that I write to each of you who have read and supported my work in Aletheia for more than a decade. It’s not easy to leave behind many faithful friends (readers), but when I explain why my column will end after this month, I pray that you will rejoice in what the Lord is doing. Aletheia Baptist Ministries has been able to expand into a new role of supporting the establishing and growth of like-minded ministries, a project I am very excited about. Ongoing classes through Aletheia Bible Institute will help to mentor, guide, and support new works that preserve the fundamentals of the faith. I have asked that my space in Aletheia be given to this ministry in hopes that it will generate the enthusiasm I have for this project. There will be news of these new works, of the Bible Institute, and opportunities will be presented. Please pray diligently for this much needed growth.
Over the years, I have written Christian Education, a true passion of mine and my field of ministry in the classroom for more than 25 years. I appreciate the many comments I received from the education columns. For any small part I had in promoting Christian education in the home or in a school, I am thankful.
A most enjoyable journey through our Baptist History Tours is also online. Here, you may follow our steps in this historical trip we take each year. The tours are ongoing and we hope you will join us soon. To see what is involved in the trip, go the web site and click on “Discovering Baptist History Tours.” There are 24 columns of information tracing the journey we take.
Finally, This Christian Nation highlighted many of the truly faithful founding fathers and their Christian contribution to this great country. We have lost much of this history; many of these men are never known to our current generation. Without a foundation, we will surely crumble. These men and women gave us that foundation. I hope you will not only read the columns on the website, but continue your own reading of many of these great founders and pass on their legacy.
All of my articles are archived here on the website.
Debra Conley
Debra Conley is a retired literature teacher and now edits, writes and consults in various capacities. Her 25+ years of classroom experience both in public and private institutions provides us with a professional and much needed perspective. How are we training up the next generation both in the traditional school setting and in Sunday School? What can we do better? Where do I find education resources?
- “From the Catbird Seat” is a collection of articles specifically geared toward elementary school and high school learning.
- “Eutychus and His Kin” is a collection of suggestions and challenges relating to the Sunday School setting.
- “A Bird’s Eye View” is a series of 24 travel stops in England and Scotland focusing on our Baptist Heritage.
- “This Christian Nation” is a brief overview of our Christian Heritage in America.
- “In Hymns and Songs” is a series of articles by Terry Conley regarding Church Hymnody and the related biographies of the hymn writers.
Terry and Debra Conley live in South Carolina. You may e-mail Mrs. Conley here.
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