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Antichrist Before the Day of the Lord

This was Alan Kurschner’s first book on the Pre-Wrath rapture position. This was written in 2013 and was followed by PreWrath: A Very Short Introduction (which I reviewed in June ’21) a year later. I happened to read them in reverse order but they are so similar it doesn’t really matter. Both books have the […]

Prewrath: a very short introduction

Alan Kurschner, writing in 2014, has restated the prewrath view which was made popular in 1990 by Marvin Rosenthal in his book, The Pre-Wrath Rapture of the Church, and also by Robert Van Kampen’s 1992 book, The Sign. Kurschner has become a popular representative of this unique view. Basically it is a redefinition of the “Day […]