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The New Creation Model

Note: The following book review is an article regarding the New Creation Model written by Rick and Don Shrader for a gathering of family and friends later this year (2025). The main text being shared has been Michael Vlach’s book, The New Creation Model. The article, responds to Vlach’s book and the New Creationist view […]

He Will Reign Forever

Michael Vlach finished this book in 2017 and it has been reprinted in 2020. The sub-title is “A Biblical Theology of the Kingdom of God.” At the time of writing Vlach was professor of Systematic Theology at The Master’s Seminary. This 600+ page book covers the subject of the kingdom of God from creation to […]

Dispensational Hermeneutics

This is the latest book (2023) by Michael Vlach. This is a companion volume to his small book (both books are around 100 pages) Dispensationalism (2017). To a knowlegable dispensatinalist this book would be standard hermeneutical fare. Yet I found it refreshing because he interacts with current trends such as Progressive Covenantalism and Replacement Theology. […]


This is a 2017 revised and updated edition of Michael Vlach’s 2008 book. I found this to be helpful as an overview of where dispensationalism is today, and also a good source for definitions and explanations. Vlach is the theology professor at Master’s Seminary. He is a pretribulational premillennialist. He puts historical dispensationalism into the […]