Vital Issues of the Year By RBP, Various Authors Regular Baptist Press published this booklet in 1973. It was for the purpose of keeping the GARBC churches informed of various issues at the time. They include: evangelism and missions, the ecumenical movement, the charismatic movement, alcohol, drugs, the sexual revolution, race relations, divorce, the occult, […]
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Tag: Christian Living / Cross / Discipleship
Through the Year With Wesley
I’m surely not a Wesleyan or Methodist, but I have a profound respect for John and Charles Wesley. This book is a compilation of 365 writings taken mostly from John Wesley’s correspondence. He was a hard man, but challenging.
The Humility of Incarnation
A summation of the Christmas message is captured in this “kenosis” passage by the expression “made himself of no reputation.” One of the most difficult things with which humans wrestle is the thought of having no reputation, of being found more as a servant than as a person of great fame and notoriety. Yet as Christians we are specifically instructed in this great passage to let this same attribute of the incarnate Christ be in us, to actually think that to be humble and obedient is good.
Things We Should Not Forget
The apostle Peter explained to his readers that his intention in writing was to “stir you up by putting you in remembrance” (2 Pet. 1:13) and “stir up our pure minds by way of remembrance” (2 Pet. 3:1). Believers have “pure minds” in that we have the mind of Christ revealed in His Holy Word […]
Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhoo...
“At the heart of mature masculinity is a sense of benevolent responsibility to lead, provide for, and protect women in ways appropriate to a man’s differing relationships. At the heart of mature femininity is a freeing disposition to affirm, receive, and nurture strength and leadership from worthy men in ways appropriate to a woman’s differing […]
Wandering Stars
Jude, the brother of James and half brother of Jesus, declared that apostates are spots in a church’s gatherings, clouds that can’t hold water, trees that produce no fruit, waves of the sea that foam up all kinds of filth, and wandering stars that appear in the sky briefly and then disappear into the blackness […]
Old Paths
I have always enjoyed studying from Ryle’s Expository Thoughts on the Gospels and have wanted to read this long treatise for a while. John Charles Ryle (1816-1900) was bishop Liverpool and an evangelical within the Church of England. If the reader can discern the obvious references to that church polity and doctrine, he can greatly […]
Man: The Dwelling Place of God
This has to be one of the most delightful Tozer books I have read. It has 39 short chapters on unrelated topics so one can read for a long or short time, stop, and come back to it without interruption. This makes a great format for those vacation or get-a-way times when you want to […]
The Hole In Our Holiness
I was attracted to this book because of its title, then I thought it might be a Reformed position only on holiness, but then I was pleasantly surprised by reading the entire (but fairly short at 150 pages) book. DeYoung does a good job of encouraging Christians to seek holiness in their lives, and at […]
Advice To Sufferers
Having read as much of Bunyan that I could, including The Pilgrim’s Progress several times, I have to rate this lesser known treatise at least second to the great classic. The editor of the reprinted edition writes, “This valuable treatise was first published in a pocket volume in 1684, and has only been reprinted in […]