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Liberty and Tyranny

I’m not one to recommend books from radio personalities but I couldn’t refuse this one.  I read it and would recommend it to others who, like myself, need a refresher course in constitutional law and the founding documents of our country.  The contrast between what our founding fathers believed and what we are hearing today […]

Thomas Jefferson and the Wall of Separat...

Every Christian ought to read this book and be familiar with its arguments in light of the anti-Christian “separation of church and state” culture in our courts, many of them declaring any form of public Christianity unconstitutional. We have priceless religious freedom guaranteed in our Constitution, guarantees we are losing in the courts. In exploring […]

Blinded By Might

Here is an interesting look back at the Moral Majority days in which both of these men were involved.  With no malice toward those in charge, it is their opinion that direct involvement in politics by Evangelicals and Fundamentalists basically failed.  For all of the work for more than a decade, that work was overturned […]

Salt & Light

This is a compilation of debate articles between the religious political right and left beginning in the mid 1950’s and continuing through the 1980’s. Representative of the right are writers like Carl F.H. Henry, founding editor of Christianity Today, and Jerry Falwell, while the left is represented by such writers as Jim Wallis, founding editor […]

Has Democracy Had Its Day?

As I read this diminutive book, I wondered what caused Richard Land (SBC Christian Life Commission) to call Carl Henry “the twentieth century’s greatest evangelical theologian” and then to declare this book “to be one of the most important things ever written by Dr. Henry.”   The book has some interesting points concerning democracy as Henry […]

Why the Left is not Right

This book is subtitled “The Religious Left:  Who They Are and What They Believe.”  It is a critique of liberal political action taken by left-wing evangelicals  including socialist and communist connections within the WCC and NCC.  I was pleasantly surprised that Nash takes the conservative stance he does while criticizing fellow evangelicals. Of special interest […]

To Renew America

I took a chance on buying a book by a politician and was not disappointed.  Gingrich’s grasp of national things as well as his knowledge of American history is refreshing.  He is surprisingly progressive and almost idealistic with his ideas of America’s future.  His views on moral issues are very positive!

The Things That Matter Most

I have always appreciated Cal Thomas for being in the main stream media and yet speaking out for his obvious faith in Christ. In this book he even gets Rush Limbaugh to admit the same in the foreword.   The slant of this book is unique. As he puts it, ‘‘This is a book that recalls […]

Modern Fascism

I have thought for a long time that the fall of the Roman Empire is not as important to modern America as is Nazi Germany. Think of that great nation with a Christian Reformation heritage. It only took the right kind of man at the right time to produce Nazi Germany. I made a list […]

Uncommon Sense: A Layman’s Briefing Book

George Will called Cal Thomas a ‘‘moral environmentalist.’’ Thomas is a Christian editorialist who has gained the respect of the political arena. I rely on him to give a Christian perspective of current events and issues.  This is a 1990 edition that contains a number of writings on moral issues from abortion to Israel. It […]