I found this original edition of the 1936 D. Appleton-Century Company in an antique store! The 400 page book also has over 400 pictures and illustrations of England, mostly from the time of Reformation to the 20th century. Since I’m always looking for pictures and explanations of places we visit on our study trips, this […]
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Tag: Culture / Worldview
A Secular Faith
I had not read Hart before this book, and only then because I found him quoted a lot by D.A. Carson regarding culture. Hart, a Westminster Seminary, Harvard, and Johns Hopkins graduate writes very fairly about conservatives in a mixed religious and secular culture. I liked his view that the church should be kept the […]
Christ & Culture Revisited
It has been over fifty years since H. Richard Niebuhr published his Christ & Culture. Carson revisits Niebuhr’s original categories of Christians within culture and pronounces them lacking for today’s situation. Niebuhr outlined six ways that Christians have looked at culture: Christ against culture; the Christ of culture; Christ above culture; Christ and culture in […]
William Holmes McGuffey and His Readers
I have a special interest in William McGuffey because I (and my siblings) spent eight years in the McGuffey elementary school in Oxford, Ohio. The School is located on the campus of Miami University where my father was a professor from 1955 to 1985. McGuffey taught at Miami from 1826 to 1836 in the field […]
Christian Modesty
This book is made available through The Vision Forum, Inc. in San Antonio, Texas. They offer many books and booklets directed toward American history and its Christian heritage. In the Publisher’s Introduction, written by Douglas Phillips, these words conclude the thoughts: “With winsome gentleness, but uncompromising boldness, Jeff Pollard helps modern Christians to understand the […]
Genesis 1:1: Still the Last Word
Intelligent Design presents the idea as a whole new area of science wherein the researchers base findings on the premise that some form of design was the origin for empirical discoveries. Author William Dembski clearly states that this is not the same as Creation science (faith based) or theistic evolution, which often includes the idea […]
Religious Postmodern Talking Points
In the last few years we have been inundated with information from within political circles that has been crafted by certain individuals but is intended to be heard by the general public. Sometimes this is a “trial balloon” of information, floated in public conversation to evaluate its effect. Often it is a specific piece of […]
A Tale of Two Cities
Every city has its own stories to tell. Among them is the story of contrast between the old and new. To western cities, that contrast is also one of the religious and the secular, from the bygone days of fearing God to the present days of tolerating God. I don’t think it can be doubted […]
Why God Enjoys Baseball
A 7/8/02 Christianity Today article Neff is reviewing Richard Mouw’s new book, He Shines In All That’s Fair: Culture and Common Grace. In reference to the book title from the old song Neff writes, “That hymn welcomes all the good things in the world—regardless of their apparent origin. And it stands in contrast to an […]
Arts, Entertainment & Christian Values
Jerry Solomon is the associate pastor at Dallas Bible Church. This is an attempt to justify the use of any methodology in the church by calling anything anyone does “art.” There is a large movement going on now to introduce even “secular” music, dance, drama, and other forms of human expression into the church. The […]