This book is made available through The Vision Forum, Inc. in San Antonio, Texas. They offer many books and booklets directed toward American history and its Christian heritage. In the Publisher’s Introduction, written by Douglas Phillips, these words conclude the thoughts: “With winsome gentleness, but uncompromising boldness, Jeff Pollard helps modern Christians to understand the […]
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Tag: Values / Manners / Morals
The Cherokee Trail
Older Novels My son-in-law gave me my first Louis L’Amour book, The Cherokee Trail which was historical and rather good. It is a western, of course, but it deals with the history around Ft. Collins, CO where I pastored for 18 years. I didn’t know if I would like L’Amour but I did and will read some […]
The Winning of Barbara Worth
Older Novels Two books by Harold Bell Wright were Their Yesterdays, the most philosophical of his books yet, and The Winning of Barbara Worth, the most interesting yet. I read The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come by John Fox, Jr. since I saw it constantly at used book stores, and enjoyed it. My son-in-law gave me my first Louis […]
Their Yesterdays
Older Novels Two books by Harold Bell Wright were Their Yesterdays, the most philosophical of his books yet, and The Winning of Barbara Worth, the most interesting yet. I read The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come by John Fox, Jr. since I saw it constantly at used book stores, and enjoyed it. My son-in-law gave […]
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
*Two texts were used: an unabridged (six volumes) where detail was desired and an abridged text by D. M. Low for context reading. The parallels found in the early history of the ancient republic of the Roman Empire to that of the United States today are remarkable. Author Gibbon spent the majority of his life […]
The Tyranny of the Tolerant
It is the best of times. It is the worst of times. Never have Americans been as comfortable in their homes and as afraid in the world. Never have Americans enjoyed freedom of thought and expression and been so corrupt in the imaginations of their hearts. And never have Americans been so tolerant of moral […]
Religious Postmodern Talking Points
In the last few years we have been inundated with information from within political circles that has been crafted by certain individuals but is intended to be heard by the general public. Sometimes this is a “trial balloon” of information, floated in public conversation to evaluate its effect. Often it is a specific piece of […]
The Calling of Dan Matthews
As I plod on in my determination to read this Ozark pastor and author, I find myself both blessed and puzzled. Blessed because I enjoy the stories of rural America 100 years ago, told from a Christian perspective with a Christian plot. Puzzled because, especially in this book, Wright stretches far to highlight the hypocritical […]
The Uncrowned King
I mentioned in a previous review that I have been collecting and reading Wright’s books. Wright is the author of the well-known Shepherd Of The Hills although that was not necessarily his best seller. The Uncrowned King (My wife gave me an autographed copy for my birthday) is a short allegory of the Christian walk […]
Why Not Just Be Christians?
This 1964 book is probably more relevant today than when Havner wrote it. Though he would be counted irrelevant today as would many of his contemporaries, he speaks as the voice of a gray hero to us. “A worried airplane passenger asked a calm fellow traveler, ‘Are you a Christian Scientist?’ ‘No,’ was the reply, […]