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Isaac Backus

Long ago, my husband Terry purchased a little known book, Pilgrims in Their Own Land by Martin Marty. I daresay that many of the saints profiled in the book are little known, yet their impact was great. One descendant of the Mayflower passenger Josiah Winslow broke new ground with other religious separatists in forming the […]

Patrick Henry

“It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ” so stated Patrick Henry to the House of Burgesses in 1775. One of our most outspoken and biblically-grounded founding fathers had great respect for […]

A New Kind of Liberalism

Christianity Liberalism    In 2001 Brian McLaren wrote A New Kind of Christian1in which he made bold statements against orthodox Christian beliefs.  He proposed that heaven and hell are really the same place which some will enjoy and some will not;2 salvation belongs to everyone because God loves everyone and, therefore all will eventually be […]

Great Men Bow Down

At a recent convention, I was privileged to meet a very fine Christian man who has written this book I highly recommend. Gordon Lawrence has compiled a biographical sketch book of many men, not just in America, but throughout the world, who were unashamed of their Christian faith. From current culture, today’s readers get the […]

Noah Webster

A reprint of the 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language has been available for more than a decade now. A dear friend gave me one, and I suggest that every Christian home have one. Why buy an old dictionary? This volume was the completed work of Noah Webster and became the source for educational […]

John Harvard

It is common knowledge that the majority of schools in the new American colonies were founded as institutions for religious training. So important was this training to the new colonists that upon settling in, they immediately began to think of their spiritual growth and future. This required pastors steeped in the Word who would be […]

The Great Awakening

In the 1600’s, the founders’ idea of an earthly kingdom in America lifted their thoughts to a purer, holier God. But just over 100 years later, prosperity, exploration, and the daily tasks of colonial survival soon pushed the initial zeal from its prominent place. Church attendance began to dwindle; the gap was filled with such […]

Roger Williams

Roger Williams is one of the most controversial figures of early Christian history in America. In reading numerous sources, one comes across a succinct dichotomy of opinion as to his character and motives. Some thought he was too stubborn about his beliefs, choosing to voice them rather than to remain silent. One view states, “Let […]

The Puritans

Another prominent Christian settlement in America was the 1630 Puritan colony of Boston. They chose the name Puritan because they wanted to remain within the Church of England but purify its practices. This came to an irreconcilable frustration that prompted the group’s voyage to the new world. Here they hoped to begin the church they […]