This article appeared in the Spring 2003 (Vol 13, No. 1) issue of The Baptist Preacher’s Journal Introduction Perhaps the most seldom used title in the Bible for the minister is “Preacher.” It translates the noun form of the word kerux (kerux) which means “a herald.” Though the English word “Preacher” appears four times, one […]
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Tag: Evangelism / Outreach
Saving Faith
This article originally appeared in the Sept/Oct 1996 issue of The Baptist Preacher under the title, “Why are there pious pretenders in the pews?” In exalting faith, we are not immediately putting ourselves in contradiction to modern thought. Indeed faith is being exalted very high today by men of the most modern type. But what […]
Evangelizing the Postmodern Man
This paper has been presented to pastors’ meetings (March, June 1999). It has been published in The Baptist Preacher, September/October, 1999. The battle for the soul of postmodern man is a dilemma: how do you bring the truth of the gospel to a man who does not believe in truth? Perhaps Blaise Pascal said it […]
Our Baptist Missionary Heritage
Retracing the steps of our Baptist and Independent forefathers is always an enriching experience. Whether one learns of those brave souls who endured terrible torture and death, or those who languished in prison, or those who fought theological and apologetic battles for the faith, it is always good to be put in remembrance of our […]
Is Repentance Necessary?
It is a telling sign of our time that we have to ask ourselves this question. But when every other teaching that makes us uncomfortable is taken away, why should we be surprised when sinners are no longer told they need to repent? This view is being taught today largely by what is called the […]
Explaining the Gospel
After the recent death of Reverend Jerry Falwell I listened to an interview that a radio talk show “personality” had aired with Dr. Falwell years earlier. The talk show host had obviously never accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior and from his comments had never heard of the concept. Dr. Falwell continually tried to […]
Godliness and Evangelism
Though many have said the following in similar ways, I like the way C.S. Lewis put it, “Those who want Heaven most have served Earth best. Those who love Man less than God do most for Man.”1 Answering obvious objections to that thought, Leonard Ravenhill wrote, “Someone now warns us lest we become so heavenly […]
The Gospel Worthy of All Acceptation
Charles Spurgeon called Andrew Fuller the greatest theologian of his day. Fuller pastored in Kettering and considered himself a “strict Calvinist.” However, his associations with Ryland, Sutcliff, Carey, Pearce and Hall, led them all (all being strict Calvinists) to propose that the gospel must be taken to the heathen. Fuller wrote this treatise in 1785, […]
An Enquiry
In 1792 a group of nonconformist Particular Baptists were praying together about what could be done for missions. Many Particular (Calvinistic) Baptists did not believe anything could be done by human means to reach people in foreign lands. In May of that year William Carey expressed his own heart in the above titled booklet which […]
Going Public with Your Faith
I finished this book with a real 50/50 attitude. It is a Zondervan book but done by Focus on the Family with which the authors have close connections. I appreciated the emphasis on evangelism in the world, not just in the church. I believe our churches have to realize that people aren’t getting saved just […]