I always enjoy reading Gene Veith (now a senior writer for World magazine). My first exposure to Postmodernism was through him and he always seems to relate current culture to the Christian viewpoint. This book is an information book on the history of the Information Age and the blessings and curses of computers. The evangelistic […]
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Tag: Culture / Worldview
Western Atheism
In reviewing my reading lists at the end of the year, I realized I had not reviewed this very helpful book (Prometheus Books, 2000) on a common topic. Thrower is professor of history at the U. of Aberdeen, Scotland. His book is an outline of how the current climate of atheism came about in the […]
Whatever Happened To Postmodernism?
Maybe it’s just the nature of the beast, but like a passing train, our fascination with this cultural phenomenon came upon us quickly and loudly, stopping everything in its path and demanding our piquant interest, until, just as fast, it rolled on past and we returned to newer and less demanding stimuli. It is not […]
Millennials Rising: the next generation
In April I reviewed The Fourth Turning by the same authors. I give this book more space in order to explain more fully the nature of these books (This is actually the fourth book). The “Millennials” are the generation after the GenXers. They are actually Boomer’s kids who last year (hence the name “Millennials”) entered […]
The Weigh Down Diet
This is one of those books that becomes popular because people like dieting, not because they like to be biblical. Pastors need to read this book before they invite the program into the church! Actually, the diet is fine, if she would just leave the Bible out of it. Shamblin denies the Trinity, and while […]
Culture: The Incarnation Of Our Religion
There may be no more important word in today’s Christian vocabulary than “culture.” R.C. Sproul wrote, “Adjusting to the customs and worldview of one’s environment is one of the strongest pressures people experience. To be ‘out of it’ culturally is often considered the nadir of social achievement.”1 Everything has to be relevant to the culture […]
Unriddling Our Times
I read all the books by Os Guinness that I see. This book is sub-titled “Reflections on the Gathering Cultural Crisis.” It is a trilogy of stories that reflect the words of twentieth century voices that have cried out to our generation to heed the dangers. Reinhold Schneider, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and Shirley Jackson are three […]
Christianity and Culture
My mother, a former public high school English teacher, had this book on a shelf since she retired. The last time I was home I decided to put it back into circulation. It was well worth it! I have not read Eliot with any consistency but found him to be one of those sagacious, forward-looking […]
This is a new book that explores the way in which today’s generation thinks about right and wrong. In one part, the authors state, “But if relativists are consistent, there’s another problem: Those who deny all morality are twisted and a threat to society. On their view, the worst that could be said of Charles […]
Facing Millennial Midnight
There are now a number of books dealing with the Y2K problem. I received this book as a gift and was familiar with Hal Lindsey. The book paints a pretty gloom picture of January 1, 2000. He could have titled it, “The Late Great Planet Earth II.” There is no doubt that much of this […]