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Church Planting is for Wimps

This is one in a series called 9Marks books associated with Mark Dever and others.  Though I am interested in church planting, this is not my kind of book.  McKinley writes from a personal, casual style as if you were reading a blog or, worse, a twitter.  The progression of the book is his story […]

From Sabbath to Lord’s Day

The subtitle is:  “A biblical, historical, and theological investigation.”  This book was published by Wipf and Stock Publishers, Eugene, OR in 1999 but was originally published by Zondervan.  It contains 12 chapters by 7 authors substantiating Sunday as the proper day for believers to worship.   It answers the most recent writers who advocate either a […]

God and the Grocery Man

As I continue to read through all nineteen books by HBW, I’ve come to my first real disagreement with the esteemed author in this, his thirteenth, book written in 1927.  Wright creates a typical context of early 1900s America.  This, ironically to me, is set in Kansas City, MO and a small town northwest of […]

Dancing and the Local Church

by Stephen R. Button This article is reprinted by permission from the October, 2003 issue of The Baptist Bulletin, the official organ of the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches, published by Regular Baptist Press. For subscription information, visit The Baptist Bulletin web site, or e-mail at What’s wrong with dancing?  Why not use […]