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Martin Hengel wrote this book in 1977 but somehow I missed it in all my reading on the life of Christ and New Testament history.  It is a short (98 pages) but very detailed presentation of the history of crucifixion in the ancient or Biblical world.  Much of the book is detailed, footnoted, descriptions of […]

Alister McGrath

“The cross liberates us from the fear of death and the need to live a lie.  It acts as a powerful antidote to our natural tendency to be frightened or anxious about our situation in the world.  It allows us to face death with a quiet and calm confidence, knowing that its sting has been […]

Charles Ryrie

“All men have a conscience (Rom. 2:15) and it can be a right guide (John 8:9).  It may also only seem to be right when actually it is leading the person down the wrong road (Acts 23:1).” Charles Ryrie, Balancing the Christian Life, p. 42.

John Calvin

“Let us remember that the taste of God’s love towards us cannot be had by us under chastisements, except we be fully persuaded that they are fatherly scourges by which he chastises us for our profit.  No such thing can occur to the minds of the reprobate, for they are like fugitives.” John Calvin, Epistle […]