My vote for the best book of the 20th Century will probably be Thomas Sewell’s The Vision of the Anointed since among many other poignant perceptions is the excellent explanation of Begging the Question as a basis for argument. For those unfamiliar with the long-ago taught principles of argumentation, Begging the Question starts with a […]
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Tag: Christian Living / Cross / Discipleship
Begin with Praise
The messages of the Bible are sometimes subtle and therefore missed. Such is the letter writing habit of the most prominent New Testament writer, Paul. The ancient writers followed a form that can be a lesson for each of us as Christians in a perverse world that is headed for its ultimate destruction. Listening to […]
Concrete Examples
We all know that young children think literally and want literal answers. They learn by concrete examples until an age of theoretical knowledge is opened to them. My four year old grandson doesn’t understand the concept of The United States but he can point to a map and identify his home state of South Carolina […]
Godliness and Evangelism
Though many have said the following in similar ways, I like the way C.S. Lewis put it, “Those who want Heaven most have served Earth best. Those who love Man less than God do most for Man.”1 Answering obvious objections to that thought, Leonard Ravenhill wrote, “Someone now warns us lest we become so heavenly […]
The Holy and the Profane
As long as man lives in this world and in his present condition, there will be the struggle between the holy and the profane. We can no more rid ourselves of it than we can of heaven and hell, of God and men, or of sin and salvation. No sooner had God given the Law […]
The Spirituality of the Cross
In a world of information, when we learn good things from a number of sources, it is good to be pulled back to the reality of basic doctrinal beliefs. Such was my disappointing experience from reading this book. I cut my teeth on postmodernism ten years ago by reading Postmodern Times by Gene Veith and […]
For Children and Students and Other Wear...
“There are times when solitude is better than society, and silence is wiser than speech. We would be better Christians if we were more alone, waiting upon God, and gathering, through meditation on His Word, spiritual strength for labor in His service.”1 Charles Spurgeon A father finds many occasions to give advice to his […]
Contagious Holiness
I was interested in this book because of the title. It is part of the “New Studies in Biblical Theology” series edited by D.A. Carson. Blomberg critically reviews the meals that Jesus ate “with publicans and sinners” and other meals. He explores the proposition made by many as to whether Jesus was a “party animal.” […]
Your Body: the temple of the Holy Spiri...
What! Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which you have of God, and ye are not your own? (1 Cor. 6:19). The Apostle’s question is as relevant today as ever, perhaps more so. Most of us can remember seeing pictures of the “heathen” in […]
Wild at Heart
In spite of the popularity of this book, this has to be one of the most disappointing books I have read in a long time. What’s more, I think because of its popularity it is a dangerous book for biblically gullible people to read. It is one of those books to which our natural side […]