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The Holy War

John Bunyan was first imprisoned in 1660 for twelve years in the county jail during the reign of King Charles II, the grandson of King James.  After a short release he was imprisoned again for a brief time in the city gaol on the river bridge.  During these years Bunyan was writing and planning five […]

Pleasing God

For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;  That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and […]

The Royal Mile and New Town

Travel back in time to bygone Edinburgh We picked up this book on our last Baptist History tour to Scotland.  It is amazing to realize the difficulties that men like John Knox had to deal with in the sixteenth century, or Robert and James Haldane in the eighteenth century, or even the Moody and Sankey […]

The Story of the Reformation

This book on the Reformation, including Scotland, is much more satisfying because Stevenson is a Presbyterian, the national religion of Scotland.  Stevenson’s chapter on Anabaptists is one of the most complimentary that I have read from a non-Baptist.  The accounts of their sufferings at the hands of Catholics, Protestants, and the secular authorities is specific […]

R.A. Torrey’s Daily Meditations

This has been my daily (nightly) reading for 2008.  Torrey is always worth reading and the only negative I found is the brevity of the daily entries.  If you are looking for an easy daily read you might find this 1929 Fleming H. Revell book reprinted in 1963 by Baker Book House.

Secure in the Everlasting Arms

A refreshing book! So many ladies’ books dwell too much on our need to feel good about our position in Christ, but they let us off the hook when it comes to personal holiness in a sinful world.  Not so here.  Elisabeth Elliot is known most widely for her marriage to martyred missionary, Jim Elliot.  […]

Conflict Under Control

Jeff Newman is an associate professor at Faith Baptist Bible College in Ankeny, IA where he teaches Biblical counseling and introductory Greek.  The book is printed by Regular Baptist Press as part of their Bible Study series.  It is a look at conflicts as the apostle Paul dealt with them in the book of Philippians.  […]

Salvation and Godliness

Some people think they see contradictions in all parts of the Bible.  Recently I attended a debate at a local school where a Christian apologist debated an agnostic over the validity of the resurrection of Christ.  The agnostic (a graduate of Moody Bible Institute, Wheaton College, and Princeton Theological Seminary) is a professor of religion […]

Repetition and Memorization

Let’s quit knocking the idea of repetition and memorization as a valid teaching tool. It is still one of the best ways to “cement” any concept or information into the human brain. Scientists practice “programming” the brain through repetition and most claim that the brain thrives on it.  Everything we learn as a child revolves […]