The Value of Life
by Debra Conley
What is the value of a human life from God’s perspective?
Try the following exercise to get students thinking about the position of their
established base values. This not only helps them to think in a broader sense,
but can be a defining exercise in validating (or not) their own values.
Give each student a piece of paper so that they can write
their initial impression and answer for the following discussion. Here’s the
scenario to give them: A woman is trapped in a burning house. Her children have
escaped, but her husband has not survived the fire. Two men are passing by. One
is the father of two children; the other is single. Both hear the woman
screaming for help from the upper level of the house which is already engulfed
in flames. Assuming that there are no others at the scene, which man should
help her? Why? Write your answers now.
Most students will think in the traditional sense, saying
that the single man is the one who should risk his life to save the woman,
thereby leaving the father of two to return to his family. Ask for other
answers they wrote. Now ask them to add these possibilities about the two men
and the woman in the burning house to their thinking:
1. The father of two is a drunk who beats his children and
his wife. His family is financially destitute because of his drinking. His wife
owns a million dollar life insurance policy on this man.
2. The single man is the sole support and care of his
invalid mother.
3. The woman in the house is a prostitute; the man was never
her husband and the two children are illegitimate. The children are old
enough to know about their mother’s occupation and desire to be in another
4. The single man is also President of the United States.
The list could go on and on, but you get the idea. Do any of
these scenarios change your initial answer? What does Scripture say about the
value of one life over another? What does your answer tell you about your
preconceived ideas of the value of a human life? God is no respecter of
persons; He values each life as one He died for and that may be the hardest
lesson for us to apply.