Author: Geisler, Norman
Genre: Theology - General
Tags: Doctrine / Theology, Modern Authors / Theological Issues

Rick Shrader‘s Review:

Geisler, now the President of Southern Evangelical Seminary in Charlotte, NC, makes a current (1997) critique of “neotheism,” the open view of God espoused by Clark Pinnock and others, and “panentheism” or “process theology,” the view that God is actually changing as He gains knowledge of how the world is unfolding. “This book warns of a dangerous trend within evangelical circles of creating God in man’s image . . . [our] venerable theistic tradition is now in danger of being lost, at least within an influential circle of Christian scholars” (p. 11). If one reads Pinnock and the open view of God, he would do well to include this review by Geisler. As has been so often the case, he does us a great service! RCS

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