In 1858 Rev. George Dufield received these words from a minister friend, whispered while dying from a tragic accident, “Let us all stand up for Jesus.”1 For the next Sunday’s sermon, Dufield wrote a poem from those words in memory of his friend titled, “Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus.” The final stanza of the […]
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Tag: Ministry / Leadership
The Doctrine and Administration of the C...
Paul Jackson (d. 1969) was a pastor and president of Baptist Bible Seminary in Johnson City, NY. His book was and is used as a textbook for Administration classes in Bible Colleges and Seminaries. I reread this book recently and enjoyed his direct, Baptistic approach to local church polity and to individual character and responsibility. […]
Spiritual Leadership
This book by Sanders has been a standard textbook on leadership in Bible Colleges and Seminaries. Sanders always gives good, conservative, and sensible directions on leaderhip both personal and ministry related.
The Measure of a Church
This is a 2001 reprint of the book by Getz in the line of many books on the church. This book grew out of the experience Getz had starting the Fellowship Bible Church in Dallas. Howard Hendricks credits Getz with pioneering the Bible Church movement through these experiences. In many ways the book is typical […]
Why Won’t Those Older Chistians Change?
In the current debate over change, we seldom have the patience or the interest to listen to our elders. It has become tragic to hear of a generation of Christians who have come to the Lord out of their sinful past, given their money over their life-time to their church, raised their kids in their […]
Is There An Alternative Point Of View?
(To The Traditional vs Progressive Debate) An ancient saint once said, “It is equally wrong and stupid to censure what is commendable, and to commend what is censurable.”1 G.K. Chesterton once argued against a false premise by stating, “It was not two ways of finding the same truth; it was an untruthful way of pretending […]
Free To Be A Servant
Martin Luther wrote, “A Christian man is a free lord over all things and subject to nobody. A Christian man is a ministering servant in all things and subject to everybody.”1 It seems that great men have always had a sense of true servanthood. I don’t believe that great men ever wanted to be great; […]
Spiritual Power
I have enjoyed the Moody Classics series that includes a number of devotional type books from great men of God. These books take us back to a practical level of our Christianity and remind us of priorities such as soul-winning, Bible reading, prayer and sanctification. And no one was better at it than Moody! You […]
Preaching to a Dying Nation
As I said in the article, I just met Dr. Hymers and read his book on my way to California. It is a book full of quotes and stats which make for good illustration material. Hymers is concerned about what he calls “decisionism.” That is his word for evangelism aimed at decisions rather than conversion. […]
Why God Used D.L. Moody
I came across this older booklet, written by Moody’s long-time associate, in a stack of old evangelism papers. I find this kind of reading, a refreshing break from much of the dry and dull informational writing today. It helped expand my illustration file quite a bit! Torrey’s eye-witness account of the life of the great […]