I first read this book several years ago on several consecutive Saturday mornings with some friends as we all attempted to learn a little more about a long passed over aspect of our church history. Reading this book again highlighted a few things that make this book worth reading. For one, knowing more about the […]
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Tag: Church
Wrongly Dividing The Word of Truth
Ironside wrote this book with its unique title in 1935 (the same year he preached the funeral of Billy Sunday at the Moody Memorial Church in Chicago which he pastored from 1930 to 1948. Some have thought that the title indicates a rebuttal of dispensationalism when in fact it is a rebuttal of ultradispensationalism and […]
Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth
This important little book was first written by Scofield in 1885 while serving as pastor of the First Congregational Church of Dallas, TX, now the Scofield Memorial Church. A quick Google search of Scofield or this book will bring a multitude of opinions about both. At the time of writing, Scofield had been mentored by […]
Matthew Henry: His Life and Influence
I read the book also because I was given a copy for Christmas. Since I love to read biographies, and English history interests me, I read the book also, and I was not disappointed. Matthew Henry was a Puritan Dissenter known for his piety and writing though he was a pastor of two small churches […]
The Only Hope of the Church or World
See this month’s article (Aletheia, June, 2012) for my appreciation of this book. Riley was a fundamentalist from Minneapolis who fought against the social gospel of his day that was being pushed by liberals. The liberal approach was to change the definitions of the church and the kingdom and take the emphasis away from personal […]
Family Driven Faith
This is another book which promotes the Family Integrated Church Movement (FICM). Baucham is a national speaker for this movement. There are many good things in this book and it would not be alarming if it only spoke of being better parents and families, and churches paying more attention to the family. But it goes […]
Why Do We Need Church?
The question of why we need the church is an understandable question. It is also a helpful question. There are many of us who attend church multiple times every week and have done so for most, if not all, of our Christian lives. But why do we do so? What makes going to church and […]
A Weed In The Church
This book is a definition and defense of the Family Integrated Church Movement (FICM) and specifically an impassioned cry to eliminate all programs from the church which divide families for teaching times, including nursery, Junior Church, Sunday School, and especially youth classes. Brown says, “The proposition of this book is that the philosophy and practice […]
Nine Marks of a Healthy Church
The “9 Marks” series by Mark Dever and his associates has been in print since 1997. This original book was reprinted in 2000 and again in 2004. I had not read Dever himself until now though I’ve read other 9-Marks books. Dever has become a prominent conservative evangelical, a well-known SBC pastor, and a Reformed […]
The Spectrum of Evangelicalism
This new and interesting volume in the Counterpoints series includes a section on Fundamentalism by Kevin Bauder, past president and current research professor at Central Seminary in Minneapolis. It is not often that a real fundamentalist is asked to participate in this kind of format. Kevin, my personal friend and past classmate, does not disappoint […]