There is an old saying: “Teach your children or let someone else.” Don’t limit this thought to just the academic world. Its truth permeates every area of life your children encounter. If you put off teaching your desired goals and philosophy to your children, be 95% sure that your children will learn those concepts from someone else before you get around to it.

In Sunday School, we assume that all teachers agree with us or the Pastor whom we choose as the guide post. While there are those Pastors who do a great job of supervising what is being taught, others are content as long as no negatives are brought to his attention. And in the right situation, there should be few that need to be brought to his attention. Parents, however, ought to be more diligent about Sunday School curriculum and teachers than in the academic schools. The importance and life-long use of the lessons learned in Sunday School are not only the more important to your children, they are the lessons you as parents are biblically responsible for. Know what your children are being taught and by whom!

As for teachers in the Sunday School, you should be a reflection of your Pastor as well as a reflection of the Lord. In the workplace, you agree to company policies and guidelines set forth by the owner; you have a job description that you are expected to follow. You want the same for your children in school: Competent teachers who follow good curriculum; guidelines for teaching and assessing clearly defined and consistently followed. Sunday School should be no different. Church families want the assurance that what they are hearing from the pulpit is the same message (on the child’s level) their children are hearing in Junior Church or Sunday School. There should be a consistent policy of what is taught, how it is taught, and by whom. To settle for anything less is to leave your children vulnerable to whatever whim of curriculum or teacher walks into the classroom. I find that unacceptable and dangerous.