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Wine in the Bible

Samuele Bacchiocchi is a Seventh Day Adventist who defends his Adventist point of view in many books.  However, on this “neutral” subject I found him very helpful.  In fact, he borrows heavily from  Robert Teachout.*  Teachout also endorsed the book before Bacchiocchi added a chapter commending Ellen White.  His historic information on wine is excellent, […]

Church Planting is for Wimps

This is one in a series called 9Marks books associated with Mark Dever and others.  Though I am interested in church planting, this is not my kind of book.  McKinley writes from a personal, casual style as if you were reading a blog or, worse, a twitter.  The progression of the book is his story […]

From Sabbath to Lord’s Day

The subtitle is:  “A biblical, historical, and theological investigation.”  This book was published by Wipf and Stock Publishers, Eugene, OR in 1999 but was originally published by Zondervan.  It contains 12 chapters by 7 authors substantiating Sunday as the proper day for believers to worship.   It answers the most recent writers who advocate either a […]

It’s Not About The Music

This is Dan Lucarini’s third book.  His first book, Why I Left The Contemporary Christian Music Movement, had an immediate impact on today’s worship wars.  His second book which he co-authored with John Blanchard, Can We Rock The Gospel, was an even better detailed analysis of CCM and its effects on the church.  This book […]

Worship in Song

This is Aniol’s first book though it is the second I have read.  The Foreword is written by Dr. Kevin Bauder, President of Central Seminary, Minneapolis, MN where Scott Aniol has taken graduate classes.  Aniol also has a bachelor’s degree from BJU and a master’s degree in musicology from N. Illinois University.  I appreciated his […]

The Final Word

O. Palmer Robertson is Director and Principal of African Bible College, Uganda, and Professor of Theology at African Bible College, Malawi. Formerly, he had been on the faculties of Knox, Covenant, Westminster, and Reformed Seminaries. He is the author of several books, including The Christ of the Covenants,  Understanding the Land of the Bible, and […]

Sound Worship

Scott Aniol is a graduate of Bob Jones University, Northern Illinois University, and Central Baptist Seminary in Minneapolis.  He also has authored  Worship in Song.  This book is a basic study of music in the Bible and how music affects the individual, the church, and our culture.  Aniol says that music is an emotional response […]

Every-Member Evangelism

Judson Eber Conant lived from 1867 to 1955.  He was a pastor and evangelist and served as a field representative for Moody Bible Institute in its early years.  Dr. R.T. Ketcham said of him, “I consider Dr. Conant one of the best evangelists on the continent.”  I had never read him but am always looking […]

Stand for the Truth

This Sword & Trowel booklet is a 2009 reprint from a 1996 edition.  Masters calls for a Biblical separation from apostasy and from worldliness.  He uses the term “evangelical” to refer to those who are truly saved; have had an evangelical conversion experience.  He takes sharp issue with those who have called Roman Catholics ‘brethren,” […]

Are You a Full Gospel Christian?

Dr. Lavender is the pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Kansas City and is also Vice President of Carver Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary.  His thoughts on the danger of the Charismatic movement, especially the health and wealth gospel, are pointed and also timely.  I appreciate him sending me a copy!