Jerry Solomon is the associate pastor at Dallas Bible Church. This is an attempt to justify the use of any methodology in the church by calling anything anyone does “art.” There is a large movement going on now to introduce even “secular” music, dance, drama, and other forms of human expression into the church. The […]
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Tag: Values / Manners / Morals
The Corruption Of Good Manners
I have written often on the subject of manners. I was first introduced to the subject by my mother who impressed upon me the need to continue the course, even after she has gone. Sometimes the lessons were taught at the end of a hickory switch, but more frequently with the ease of comfortable wit […]
That Printer of Udell’s
If we all have peculiar interests, one of mine is collecting the 19 first edition books of Harold Bell Wright—the Ozark author of Shepherd of the Hills. The Shepherd was his second book, the first was That Printer, printed in 1903. It is a fictional, yet real life, story of a young man who comes […]
Character Counts
I have enjoyed the books I have read by Os Guinness. In this one, he is merely the editor and introduces four biographers who write on George Washington, William Wilberforce, Abraham Lincoln and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. The four biographies are divided among about 150 pages. I enjoyed the book for two reasons: You get a quick […]
Culture: The Incarnation Of Our Religion
There may be no more important word in today’s Christian vocabulary than “culture.” R.C. Sproul wrote, “Adjusting to the customs and worldview of one’s environment is one of the strongest pressures people experience. To be ‘out of it’ culturally is often considered the nadir of social achievement.”1 Everything has to be relevant to the culture […]
Our Daily Reading
Special Note: Debra Conley is a regular contributor to Aletheia as the creator of “The Little Corner” (Now called “From the Catbird Seat”). Mrs. Conley is a veteran English and Literature teacher in the Atlanta area. She has published several articles in magazines and journals and works as a proof-reader for text-book publishers. In addition, […]
Chapter and Verse
In the area of morality we find exactly the same thing. Man cannot escape the fact of the motions of a true right and wrong in himself; not just a sociological or hedonistic morality, but true morality, true right and wrong. And yet beginning with himself he cannot bring forth absolute standards and cannot even […]
Our Moral Dilemma With Ethnic Cleansing
All the glorified technological achievements of Progress, including the conquest of outer space, do not redeem the twentieth century’s moral poverty. I am referring to the calamity of a despiritualizing and irreligious humanistic consciousness. Alexander Solzhenitsyn1 We are experiencing a moral schizophrenia in our country today. We have just been dragged, kicking and screaming, […]
The Wilderness Encroaches
Admitting that, when you first go to mingle with worldly scenes, you may intend not to be seduced from the path of duty; admitting that you at first possess sincerity, firmness, and courage; you will soon deviate from them. Those ideas of zeal and firmness against vice with which you enter into the world will […]
The Death of Outrage
This is a 1998 book by the long-time conservative and well-known author of The Book of Virtues. The sub-title is “Bill Clinton and the Assault on American Ideals.” This book was released just before President Clinton gave his public deposition before the Federal Grand Jury. Bennett’s purpose in the book is to defend traditional ideals […]