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In Times Like These

This is a 1969 Fleming H. Revell book.  Havner’s books often date back to the 1930s (Revell was his steady publisher).  Writing at the end of his life and seeing the postmodern turn in American Christianity beginning, Havner writes with passion and concern. He says, “There is a trend today that would put a new […]

Biblical Ethics

This Kregel ‘98 edition is actually a compilation of three books:  Biblical Ethics; The Moral Foundations of Life; and The Philosophy of Sin.  I enjoyed them all though some thoughts are repeated in each book.  I think that many people enjoy reading this author’s devotional writings but would probably not enjoy hearing the rest of […]

Desiring God

I am a little late in getting this popular book read.  The sub-title of the book—Meditations of a Christian Hedonist—had tuned me out until I realized most people were enjoying it.  I started out not liking what I believed would be the normal use of the word “hedonist” but I soon realized that Piper is […]

Spiritual Leadership

This book by Sanders has been a standard textbook on leadership in Bible Colleges and Seminaries.  Sanders always gives good, conservative, and sensible directions on leaderhip both personal and ministry related.

Christians in a .com World

I always enjoy reading Gene Veith (now a senior writer for World magazine).  My first exposure to Postmodernism was through him and he always seems to relate current culture to the Christian viewpoint.  This book is an information book on the history of the Information Age and the blessings and curses of computers.  The evangelistic […]

Sacred Cows: Exploring Contemporary Idol...

This is a 1979 Zondervan book by the University of Aberdeen professor.  His point is that almost anything in culture can become an idol, including family, country and ourselves.  Walter is pointed in his critique of 20th century Christians uncritically accepting the mores around them.  “The more important a social institution, the more likely it […]

Surprised By Joy

I read this “biography” of Lewis’ conversion from atheism to Christianity when I was working with some atheists.  To read of his struggles in giving up old prejudices in favor of  Christianity, is a help when speaking to our own generation, most of whom think and act like atheists!  He writes, “This was a religion […]

Church: Why Bother?

This book confirmed my growing uneasiness with Yancey’s recent writings.  Having enjoyed older books such as Disappointment With God, it now seems to be Yancey’s mission to be as accepting of all points of view as possible while strongly criticizing his conservative background.  Speaking of Catholics and Russian Orthodox, “For them the sacrament of communion, […]