I had not read Trueman in book form before this. I enjoyed it and found him (a British professor and author) to be conservative and to the point. To the contemporary evangelical scene he says, “A movement that cannot or will not draw boundaries, or that allows the modern cultural fear of exclusion to set […]
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Tag: Christian Living / Cross / Discipleship
The Cross and Christian Ministry
Carson’s expositions on First and Second Corinthians have been a blessing to me. These come in a series of smaller volumes from Baker Books. The title of this volume interested me and I found it an encouraging read as well as an instructive lesson on the first half of First Corinthians. Carson often paints a […]
The Christian and Carnality
John Flavel, a fifteenth century Puritan wrote, “Carnal men rejoice carnally and spiritual men rejoice spiritually.”1 The human nature seems to have the ability to sanctify itself, whether right or wrong. The Corinthians were especially good at it, even “glorying” in their toleration of sin (1 Cor. 5:6). Paul was hindered in writing to them, […]
A Castle of Cards?
Are you ever discouraged because of your circumstances and have turned really pessimistic? I am not talking about having a “glass half-empty” but more of a “glass bone dry” kind of attitude. What do we do at that point? How do we wade through those difficult times? How do we get out of such pessimism? […]
New Testament Heralds
Perhaps the most seldom used title in the Bible for the minister is “Preacher.” Though the English word “Preacher” appears four times, one time (Rom. 10:14) is actually a verb, and another (2 Pet. 2:5) refers to Noah, an Old Testament character. So the title “Preacher,” referring to the New Testament minister is only used […]
Family Driven Faith
This is another book which promotes the Family Integrated Church Movement (FICM). Baucham is a national speaker for this movement. There are many good things in this book and it would not be alarming if it only spoke of being better parents and families, and churches paying more attention to the family. But it goes […]
A Weed In The Church
This book is a definition and defense of the Family Integrated Church Movement (FICM) and specifically an impassioned cry to eliminate all programs from the church which divide families for teaching times, including nursery, Junior Church, Sunday School, and especially youth classes. Brown says, “The proposition of this book is that the philosophy and practice […]
The Christian Walk and Its Indefinite Na...
It would seem that a lot of controversy in the Christian life could be solved if God would have given us more specifics for Christian living in the New Testament. In many ways the Mosaic Law was easier and more convenient. Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego may have struggled with (though it seems doubtful) the […]
Tempted and Tried
A number of blogs spoke highly of this book so I decided to pick it up and read it as well. Russell Moore teaches at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. I have read some of Russell Moore before and have not seen eye to eye with all of his theology, particularly his […]
Flee Fornication
For too long pastors and other ministers have avoided speaking frankly about sexual sins. Perhaps we’re afraid when psychologists tell us that those who do speak out, have some kind of hidden problem themselves, a subliminal obsession that rises to the surface every time one speaks on the subject. Therefore many have remained quiet for […]