Drama on

              “Another thing that grieves the Spirit in the churches is the miserable policy of introducing questionable entertainment.  There are the lotteries, for instance, that we have in many churches.  If a man wants to gamble, he doesn’t have to go to some gambling den; he can stay in the church.  And there are fairs—bazaars, as they call them—where they have raffles and grab bags.  And if he wants to see a drama, he doesn’t need to go to the theater, for many of our churches are turned into theaters; he may stay right in the church and witness the acting.  I believe all these things grieve the Spirit of God.  I believe when we bring the church down to the level of the world to reach the world, we are losing all the while and grieving the Spirit of God.”

D.L. Moody, The Secret of Success in the Christian Life, p. 114.

Source: The Secret of Success in the Christian Life

This is a paper back of about 120 pages.  It seems that over the years Moody’s writings have been reprinted in various small books and many times the material is repeated in his other books.  I realized while reading this book that I have read and quot …
