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The Abolition of Man

Six Spiritual Classics Rather than apologizing for quoting so much from C.S. Lewis over the past few months I decided to recommend a set of his books (some of which I have reviewed). This last year I decided to read a whole set (plus a biography) and have not at all regretted the project. As […]

The Great Divorce

Six Spiritual Classics Rather than apologizing for quoting so much from C.S. Lewis over the past few months I decided to recommend a set of his books (some of which I have reviewed). This last year I decided to read a whole set (plus a biography) and have not at all regretted the project. As […]


Six Spiritual Classics Rather than apologizing for quoting so much from C.S. Lewis over the past few months I decided to recommend a set of his books (some of which I have reviewed). This last year I decided to read a whole set (plus a biography) and have not at all regretted the project. As […]

The Problem of Pain

Six Spiritual Classics Rather than apologizing for quoting so much from C.S. Lewis over the past few months I decided to recommend a set of his books (some of which I have reviewed). This last year I decided to read a whole set (plus a biography) and have not at all regretted the project. As […]

The Screwtape Letters

Six Spiritual Classics Rather than apologizing for quoting so much from C.S. Lewis over the past few months I decided to recommend a set of his books (some of which I have reviewed). This last year I decided to read a whole set (plus a biography) and have not at all regretted the project. As […]


I just read this 1947 book by Lewis as a part of a study on present day Charismatics. Among more recent books on the miraculous, this was a pleasant discovery and a refreshing engagement. Though you have to read Lewis in low gear, the slow journey is always worth it.   Chapter fourteen, ‘‘The Grand Miracle’’ […]

The Four Loves

I read this beautiful book by C.S. Lewis while teaching on love last month. The book was originally published in 1960 and was republished in 1988. There is an audio version of this series that is, I understand, the only recording of C.S. Lewis. Lewis calls storge ‘‘affection’’ and defines it as the normal love […]