Our Bible Is The Word Of God (part 1)September 3, 2013 written by Rick Shrader![]() This world is no friend of grace and it is no friend of the Book that brings us grace. As the centuries have come and gone it seems that all controversies over the Christian belief in God, in Christ, in salvation, eventually come back to the reliabili … |
The Baptist NameMarch 24, 2010 written by Rick Shrader![]() This originally appeared in the May/June issue of The Baptist Preacher with the title, “Why we won’t take the name ‘Baptist’ off our church.” There is no denying we live in a generation that disdains labels. To assert any belief with a personal label i … |
PostmodernismMarch 24, 2010 written by Rick Shrader![]() This complete paper appeared in the Spring 1999 edition of The Journal of Ministry & Theology, Baptist Bible Seminary, Clarks Summit, PA. When Charles Dickens wrote The Tale of Two Cities depicting the French Revolution, he began with the wo … |
Worshippers Who Also Come To ChurchMarch 25, 2006 written by Rick Shrader![]() I have often said to the people I pastor, “We do not come together to worship; we are worshipers who come together.” Though we use the vernacular “coming to worship” to mean “coming to church,” we must have a better understanding of where and how the … |
A Case For The Traditional ChurchFebruary 26, 2002 written by Rick Shrader![]() A student was once asked whether ignorance or apathy was worse, to which he answered, “I don’t know and I don’t care.” Within the last few months I have visited a “non-traditional” church, watched a promotional video from another “non-traditional” chu … |
Why Won’t Those Older Chistians Change?October 27, 2001 written by Rick Shrader![]() In the current debate over change, we seldom have the patience or the interest to listen to our elders. It has become tragic to hear of a generation of Christians who have come to the Lord out of their sinful past, given their money over their life-ti … |
Is There An Alternative Point Of View?September 27, 2001 written by Rick Shrader![]() (To The Traditional vs Progressive Debate) An ancient saint once said, “It is equally wrong and stupid to censure what is commendable, and to commend what is censurable.”1 G.K. Chesterton once argued against a false premise by stating, “It was not two … |
Culture: The Incarnation Of Our ReligionJanuary 27, 2001 written by Rick Shrader![]() There may be no more important word in today’s Christian vocabulary than “culture.” R.C. Sproul wrote, “Adjusting to the customs and worldview of one’s environment is one of the strongest pressures people experience. To be ‘out of it’ culturally is oft … |
Trusting In TrustJuly 29, 1996 written by Rick Shrader![]() In exalting faith, we are not immediately putting ourselves in contradiction to modern thought. Indeed faith is being exalted very high by men of the most modern type. But what kind of faith? There emerges the difference of opinion. Faith is being e … |
Worshiping WorshipSeptember 29, 1994 written by Rick Shrader![]() We who defend Christianity find ourselves constantly opposed not by the irreligion of our hearers but by their real religion. Speak about beauty, truth and goodness, or about a God who is simply the indwelling principle of these three, speak about a gr … |