Author: Davies, Horton
Genre: History, Theology - Ecclesiology
Tags: Worship / Music

Rick Shrader‘s Review:

Dan Lucarini’s Reading List

Editor’s Note:  My friendship with Dan Lucarini began after I read his book and arranged to have lunch with him in Denver.  Not only did I discover that we had much in common in our views of church music, I was immediately taken by Dan’s humility with what God has done for him and by his genuine sincerity and love for the Lord’s churches.  As we have kept close contact over the last few years, I have found Dan to be well read and informed on Christian music.  I asked him if I could print his short list of recommended reading for this month’s Book Shelf.  He graciously consented.

Here’s a list of books I have read recently.  Note that I’m a bit eclectic when it comes to church music literature, and this list should not be viewed as a complete endorsement of the authors or the content. (except where otherwise boldly stated!)  Approach each book in prayer and with the mind of Christ.

Measuring The Music

by John Makujina (Old Path Publications)

John is a friend and theologian who did extensive historical and sociological research for his doctoral dissertation and his book contains a good bit of that.  I think this is the best book against CCM today.

Pop Goes The Gospel

by John Blanchard (Evangelical Press).

This was an early (and still one of the best) warning against pop music in the church.  John’s British style is very readable and non-confrontational.  I also recommend all of John’s other books.

Worship in the Melting Pot

by Peter Masters (Wakeman Trust).

Dr. Masters is the senior pastor and preacher at the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London (Spurgeon’s church).  This book is a collection of his sermons and writings, and only a godly English preacher can get away with this confrontational style.

Worship of the Puritans

by Horton Davies (Soli Deo Gloria).

An excellent book that tells why and how the Puritans and the Non-Conformists reformed the Anglican worship service.  The Baptist Churches in America owe much of our traditional worship service to them.

Gospel Worship

by Jeremiah Burroughs (Soli Deo Gloria).

This is a classic from a 16th century Non-Conformist in England.  He discusses the importance of sanctification in worship, and warns of the danger of not setting apart God’s holy name.

Luther On Music: Paradigms of Praise

by Dr. Carl Schalk (Concordia Publishing House).

This excellent little booklet (60  pages) explains how Luther elevated music’s role and planted the seeds of music’s prominence in all Protestant churches.  Dr. Schalk is considered a top Lutheran scholar.  It is hard to find—I stumbled across it in the basement bookstore under the National Cathedral.

Worship by the Book

by D.A. Carson (Zondervan).

Carson gives an indepth look at what the Bible says about the New Testament worshipper.  I appreciate how he delineates the change in our worship based on the New Covemant.  The R. Kent Hughes chapter is especially good.  Careful though—some of the other contributors are not in agreement with my views.

Set Apart

by R. Kent Hughes (Crossway).

Hughes is the pastor of College Church in Wheaton, IL where they somehow maintain a traditional service in the midst of that campus,  calling the church to reform from worldliness and be separate, in order to reach the world.  He gives good theological support for my views on music styles and culture.  However, Hughes mysteriously left out any discussions on music styles.

A History of Western Music, 5th ed.

By Grout and Palisca (Norton).

This is considered a top secular history book and includes a lot of useful material about the church and music history from Greek through Bach.  It provides good support for my views on “guilt by association” and how the church has always been shy to adopt “profane” secular music.  Caution—there is an underlying cynicism toward the organized church.

Contemporary Christian Music Under the Spotlight

by David Cloud (Way of Life Publications).

This is the most extensive examination of Contemporary Christian Music in print.  I appreciate David’s commitment to research and facts.  He uses quotes and lyrics from the artists themselves sufficient to make the case that the CCM industry should be opposed by all Christian leaders.

Quotes from this book:

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