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Salvation and Godliness

Some people think they see contradictions in all parts of the Bible.  Recently I attended a debate at a local school where a Christian apologist debated an agnostic over the validity of the resurrection of Christ.  The agnostic (a graduate of Moody Bible Institute, Wheaton College, and Princeton Theological Seminary) is a professor of religion […]

The Real Change

In the end times the apostasy of the age will creep into God’s church, sometimes in the form of blatant unbelief, but also in a coldness toward the things of God and a love for the things of the world.  While the world takes its downward spiral toward the coming judgment of God, the church […]

The Emerging Church Phenomenon

We have been studying Postmodernism for twenty years.  Christian writers and non-Christian writers alike sounded a note of alarm at what the effects of this cultural paradigm shift would be upon the Church.  In 1996, James White proposed, “Now a new tidal wave, called by the scholars postmodernity, is sweeping across Western thought, undermining the […]