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Marijuana and the Christian

The culture in America is changing quickly, and not necessarily for the good. Christians generally agree that issues such as abortion, pornography, or same-sex marriages are immoral, unbiblical, and harmful to society at large. Not all agree about substance abuse in areas such as alcohol, tobacco, and drugs like marijuana. Churches have long had to […]

The Small Church in Today’s Culture

This isn’t an easy time for small churches.  In today’s culture, small often means inadequate, unsuccessful, non-visionary, and unexciting.  By today’s cultural standards those descriptions may be right.  Our culture sees bigness and excitement as marks of success.  By God’s standards, however, any size church may be successful or unsuccessful and may seem boring or […]

Worship and Culture

In the twenty years that I have been writing Aletheia articles, perhaps nothing has been written about more than worship and culture.  Worship has become the description of how we “do church,” and culture has become what we are, not what we should strive to become.  Ravi Zacharias wrote, “Culture has become like a dress […]

What Happened To Christmas?

Now that it is January and Christmas is over until next year, I can risk sounding like Scrooge or maybe even the Grinch.  I have to confess that I labored through the Christmas season moaning and groaning at Christmas store commercials, Christmas television movies (the new ones anyway), Christmas network specials, Christmas online ads, Christmas […]

Twenty Years of Aletheia

    My parents were school teachers so reading and writing was a given in the Shrader household.  Participation was also expected in the often protracted, sometimes volatile, but usually hilarious, dinner discussions.  My siblings are far more gifted in these things than I which caused me to have to work at school a lot […]