2011 Greeting
by Admin
From all of us who have been blessed to bring this ministry to you,
May God’s blessings be upon us and our brethren in this season of our Savior’s birth.
Since 1992 the Aletheia paper has been published every month as a labor of love and a work of faith. Next month we will enter our nineteenth year. We are encouraged by open doors which God has placed before us for continued publication of this paper, expansion of our web site outreach, and also for church planting opportunities. This ministry has defended the Word of God, the priority and dignity of the local church, and the Biblical, historical faith of Baptists. We believe in a conservative approach to church ministry and a priority of godliness as well as separation from ungodliness. We have found many friends over the years committed to the same values.
I would like to thank all of you for reading this paper and also for your end of the year gifts which you have so generously given throughout the years. We have never wanted this to be a support ministry that takes needed money from church budgets. We have always been able to print and mail this paper because of your freewill gifts. Thank you!
Rick & Ann Shrader
Matt & Tarah Shrader

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