When we are walking on life’s road and navigating the junctions and choices in life, we need to remember that we are not alone. Though we have many companions and counselors helping us make the right turns, as believers we have a Friend Who never leaves us nor forsakes us. Our Lord Jesus Christ is […]
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Tag: Doctrine / Theology
Covenantal and Dispensational Theologies...
This is another “Views” books which gives the reader four different views on a subject. This is also the second of such books I have reviewed this year. This volume covers the same topics as last month’s book but by different well-known authors. Covenant Theology, by Michael S. Horton, the J. Gresham Machen Professor of […]
Perspectives on Israel and the Church
This is one of many “Views” books which give the reader four different views on a subject. This volume (2015) concerns the views on covenant theology and dispensational theology with a newer variation of each. The Traditional Covenantal View, by Robert L. Reymond, professor of Theology emeritus at Knox Theological Seminary. Covenant Theology has been […]
Four Views on Eternal Security
Reading on Eternal Security is basically reading on Sanctification and Perseverance. The main question is whether one can lose his salvation or whether he will persevere to the end and be finally saved. However, this also must include, at least to some degree, how a person views Calvinism and Arminianism and the related doctrines. The […]
A Boisterously Reformed Polemic Against ...
I ordered this book after seeing a review by a friend. Austin Brown calls himself a “Classically Moderate Calvinist” who does not hold to limited atonement. He is writing against “strict particularists” or hyper-Calvinists who, of course, do hold to limited atonement. I fully agree with Brown’s position on atonement, that Christ’s death is sufficient […]
The Rapture
I thought I had read everything that Charles Ryrie had written but when a lady in our church was giving away some of her old books I saw this 1981 copy and realized I had never read it. Ryrie wrote this as his answer to Robert Gundry’s 1973 book The Church and the Tribulation, on […]
Christ’s Prophetic Plans
This is a 2012 book edited (and contributed to) by John MacArthur and Richard Mayhue. It is a good book and a great help in supporting “futuristic premillennialism.” The first two chapters are also a defense of dispensationalism and there is a chapter defending a pretribulational rapture. In addition there is a chapter on why […]
Prewrath: a very short introduction
Alan Kurschner, writing in 2014, has restated the prewrath view which was made popular in 1990 by Marvin Rosenthal in his book, The Pre-Wrath Rapture of the Church, and also by Robert Van Kampen’s 1992 book, The Sign. Kurschner has become a popular representative of this unique view. Basically it is a redefinition of the “Day […]
The Making of an Atheist
James Spiegel is professor of philosophy and religion at Taylor University. This is a 2010 book on atheism from a philosophic and scriptural point of view. Spiegel brings together all of the valid arguments for God including Alvin Plantinga’s (to whom he dedicated this book) argument of sensus divinitatus, or a “sense of the divine,” […]
Readings in Christian Theology, Vol. 3
It was in 1994 when I read two and one half of this three-volume set, edited by Millard Erickson. Now in 2020 I picked up the third volume and finished it. This third volume has three parts to it: New Life in individual experience, in collective expression, and in future extension. It was the third […]