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Experiencing God

This is one of those books, because of its popularity, you have to read in order to answer the questions and comments about it.  Experiencing God is now a seminar course, a tape series, a workbook and even a study Bible.  My comments are in a positive and negative form. Positively.  Blackaby (the primary spokesman) […]

Are We Too Sophisticated?

Sophism:  false argument, one intended to deceive.  Sophist:  captious or clever but fallacious reasoner.  Sophistic:  related to sophism.  Sophisticate:  sophisticated person, related to sophism.  Sophisticated:  worldly-wise, cultured, elegant, highly developed and complex. The Oxford Dictionary of Current English (1993) G.K. Chesterton wrote, “Mere light sophistry is the thing that I happen to despise most of […]

No Place For Truth

I had to order this book from Barnes & Noble after reading references to it in many books on culture and postmodernism.  It is a 1993 book by Wells (theology professor at Gordon-Conwell) subtitled “Or Whatever Happened To Evangelical Theology?”  Through historical perspective Wells displays the breakdown of interest in theology as truth.  Today we […]

Polling For Moral Authority

Yet, within the Church as well as outside it, this perverted notion persists.  Truth is conceived on a quantitative basis—no doubt under the influence of statistical reasoning and public opinion polls.  It is being assumed that the more people there are with different opinions to contribute, the greater ‘truth’ will emerge from the mixing of […]

When Truth Doesn’t Matter

We live in an era that boasts of its vehement resistance to propositional truth.  Truth is said to be a “relationship” or a “personal encounter.”  Existential philosophy has placed so much stress on the personal and relational character of faith that an allergy has developed against propositional or objective truth. R.C. Sproul1 Richard Rorty said, […]