Jason Lisle on Creation

“The consistent biblical creationist is one whose worldview is based on the Bible; this is his or her ultimate standard.  As such, the creationist believes that an all-powerful (Matt. 19:26), all-knowing (Col. 2:3), triune (Isa. 45:5) God created the universe in six ordinary days (Exod. 20:11) thousands, not billions, of years ago (based on genealogies such as Gen. 5:4-32).  Today, God upholds the universe by His sustaining power (Heb. 1:3) in a logical and consistent way that we call the ‘laws of nature’ or ‘laws of science’ (Jer. 33:25).  The method by which God created the universe is not the same method by which He sustains it; God ended His world of creation by the seventh day (Gen. 2:2).”

Jason Lisle, The Ultimate Proof of Creation, p. 32.

Source: The Ultimate Proof of Creation

Dr. Jason Lisle is researcher on staff at Ken Ham’s Answers in Genesis, who writes the forward to the book. It is printed by Master Books, Green Forest, AR, 2009 and is in its sixth printing in 2015. This is more of a book on logic, reasoning, and deba …
