ABM–20 Years of Leadership
by Rick Shrader
In the December issue I gave some of the history of Aletheia Baptist Ministries but I did not tell it all. From the beginning in 1997, when Dr. Peter Slobodian started the original mission board called Baptist Global Mission, this ministry has been blessed to have been led by godly and qualified men who have served on the board of directors.
Dr. Slobodian’s good friend Rev. Dick Steinhaus (and mine) served as the first chairman of the board for ten years. He loved Dr. Slobodian’s desire to take the gospel to Russia and Ukraine. During those years also we were privileged to have serve as the first board of directors, Dr. Lance Ketchum, Elbert Dean, Rev. Roy Chestnut, and myself. In 2001, Rev. Don Cox joined the board and served until 2009. He was a good friend and overseas traveling companion with Dr. Slobodian. In 2004 Terry Conley joined the board and, upon Rev. Steinhaus’ resignation, became the second chairman of the board, which position he still faithfully holds today. In 2010 Bill McPherson joined the board and remains on the board today also. Others who have served from time to time are Rev. Bernie Augsburger, David Curry, and Rev. David Zempel.

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