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Dispensationalism and the History of Red...

This is a 2015 Moody book but produced primarily, actually entirely, by Dallas Theological Seminary professors and/or graduates.  Being a dispensationalist myself, I enjoyed the book and profited from its material.  I am glad for any scholarly writing that defends the dispensational approach to Scripture because it is being attacked in many unfortunate ways these […]

The Sermons of George Whitefield

This sort of book is a really great way to reap the benefits of some of the great people in the history of the church. George Whitefield, an Englishman and evangelist, is best known for his preaching ministry during the Great Awakening of the 1700’s. Whitefield crossed the Atlantic at least seven times and had […]

Charles G. Finney and the Spirit of Amer...

This biography was written almost twenty years ago but it has remained the standard biography of this oft-discussed, and oft-maligned, nineteenth-century revivalist. Finney is known for his revivals and his revival theology, his systematic theology, and his socially progressive anti-slavery work at Oberlin College. Whether you want to hear about Finney’s famous conversion story, his […]

The Necessity of Church History

Baptists have their roots in the English Reformation. Since their beginning, several beliefs have been at the center of their theology, including believer’s baptism, individual soul competency, congregational government, as well as fundamentally orthodox beliefs like the Trinity and the deity of Christ. Whether they are affirming the major beliefs of orthodoxy or their denominational […]

The Creedal Imperative

Trueman’s books have appeared here several times. Those reviews all note his English humor, his sharp historical mind, his willingness to call out contemporary evangelicalism for being too quickly taken by contemporary culture and its pressures, they all call for a deeper understanding of historical theology, and they have all been reviewed positively. Put in […]

Why Study History: Reflecting on the Imp...

This book is not necessarily an apology for church history so much as an apology for history in general. Fea teaches history at a Christian college (Messiah College) and regularly tries to instill into his freshman the general importance of taking their required history classes seriously and the benefit that history can be to anyone. […]

Painting as a Pastime

I have owned this book for a while but was reminded of it in reading a graduation speech. We usually don’t think of Winston Churchill in any field but politics and war. Yet a little known fact is that he was an avid painter, not beginning the hobby until forty years of age, but continuing […]

The Contemporary Church and the Early Ch...

I count myself a personal friend of Dr. Paul Hartog, but now consider myself a benefited pupil from reading this book of which he is both editor and contributor. Since we are being inundated in our day with various versions of “ancient-future faith” supposedly gleaned from the patristic era of the church, gaining a clearer […]