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The Pilgrim Chronicles

If one appears in court and is compelled to provide evidence to win his case, the best witness is an eye-witness. Here-say is dismissed by the court and vigorously challenged by the opposition.  An eye witness, however, can win the case. That is also the reason many states issue penalties for an eye witness leaving […]

Thomas Cranmer

While visiting my son’s apartment, I spent the afternoon reading this small book which is in a series on church history.  Having been in England many times and being interested in its history, especially from Henry VIII forward, I found this book fascinating.  Thomas Cranmer (1489-1556) was an evangelical force behind Henry VIII’s departure from […]

The Church of the Fundamentalists

I am always glad for a new book that promotes the good history of fundamentalism.  Oats’ (long time professor at Maranatha Baptist University) proposition is that fundamentalism’s history is a history of separation, and that the history of separation is intrinsically related to the doctrine of the church.  Though this history is primarily of the […]

Baptist History

I was happy to find this volume of Dr. Cramp’s 1868 work on Baptist History.  Cramp was born in England (1796) but spent almost all of his ministry in Nova Scotia, Canada.  Originally published by Elliot Stock, Paternoster Row, London, this volume is a 1987 reprint by Baptist Heritage Publications of Watertown, Wisconsin.  It contains […]

Baptist Why and Why Not

This is one in a series of books called the Library of Baptist Classics by Broadman and Holman Publishers and is therefore mostly Southern Baptist history but I have found them to be very interesting and encouraging.  J.M. Frost wrote and compiled this book in 1900.  He was a pastor and long-time secretary of the […]

Why I Am A Baptist

I have had this book for a long time and decided to read it now along with some others about what has happened to our churches in the last fifty years.  This book was published by Broadman Press in 1972 mainly for Southern Baptists, but contains contributions from independent Baptists including my former professor Noel […]

The Battle For The Schools

I was asked about this book by a good friend who is in Bible College education.  I found it in the Faith BBC library and had two days to read it, which I did with much interest.  Best was a missionary in Brazil and wrote this critique of the current Christian college situation in 1982.  […]

The Age of the Reformation

Bainton is the well-known author of Here I Stand,” the biography of Martin Luther.  This is a 1956 “Anvil Original” by Nostrand Company.  This series is in paperback and very readable in each volume (the is the second I’ve read by Bainton).  Though about 200 pages, the book is arranged with the first 100 pages […]

Dispensationalism and the History of Red...

This is a 2015 Moody book but produced primarily, actually entirely, by Dallas Theological Seminary professors and/or graduates.  Being a dispensationalist myself, I enjoyed the book and profited from its material.  I am glad for any scholarly writing that defends the dispensational approach to Scripture because it is being attacked in many unfortunate ways these […]

The Creedal Imperative

I profited greatly from reading this book, and usually any book by Trueman, even though I am not in the same denomination or “confessional” tradition as he. Trueman is Professor of Church History at Westminster Theological Seminary, and also a minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. He describes himself as a “confessional” Presbyterian and dedicated […]