Author: DeYoung, Kevin
Genre: Christian Living
Tags: Christian Living / Cross / Discipleship

Rick Shrader‘s Review:

Having enjoyed DeYoung’s writings in the past, I wanted to read his position on this contemporary topic. The author is senior pastor of University Reformed Church in East Lansing, Michigan and has written a number of books on contemporary issues.

This book is divided into two parts:  Understanding God’s Word and Answering Objections.  The first part has five chapters that deal with how God made human beings according to Genesis 1-2; an explanation of the sin of Sodom from Genesis 19; the description of the sin of homosexuality from Leviticus 18 and 20; the important text of Romans 1; and Paul’s further descriptions in 1 Corinthians 6 and 1 Timothy 1.  The second part has seven chapters that deal with current issues, questions, and objections to the Biblical data, issues such as the small amount of information given in the Bible relating to homosexuality; what about other sins like gluttony?; being on the wrong side of history and culture; and, isn’t God a God of love?  To all of these DeYoung gives good Biblical answers and pulls no punches.  He writes, “This is a Christian book, with a narrow focus, defending a traditional view of marriage” (p. 15).

In concluding his introduction he writes, “I believe same-sex sexual intimacy is a sin.  Along with most Christians around the globe and virtually every Christians in the first nineteen-and-a-half centuries of church history, I believe the Bible places homosexual behavior—no matter the level of commitment or mutual affection—in the category of sexual immorality” (p. 17).  On the important topic of same-sex attraction (SSA), DeYoung takes the position that this is part of the fallen nature and that it is a real thing even in many Christian lives.  This is a lustful thing just as any sexual lust and should be confessed and repented of before God.  He also believes that it can continue in a Christian’s life and therefore that believer should remain celibate and fight this temptation as long as it lasts, and pray that God would take the temptation away.  He also spends time talking to churches, pastors, and believers about being compassionate toward a brother or sister who struggles with this temptation, and having a definite plan to counsel them.


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