Author: Chafer, Lewis Sperry
Genre: Theology - Eschatology
Tags: Doctrine / Theology, Eschatology

Rick Shrader‘s Review:

Another book relating to theological reading this year is this 1915 book by the well-known founder and President of Dallas Seminary and forwarded by C.I. Scofield.  My copy is a 1967 reprint though I also have a Kindle copy.  I have been interested in the subject of the kingdom of God since my introduction to the subject by Alva J. McClain’s Greatness of the Kingdom in my seminary days.  In an age in which there is a lot of Christian writing about a multitude of topics related to current culture, it seems refreshing to read a 100 year old book on Bible doctrine that doesn’t try to avoid offending or boring the reader.  If you like Bible doctrine, especially prophetic doctrine, you will like this book.

At the close on my favorite chapter, “The Call of the Bridegroom,” Chafer writes, “If the pastor is mourning over the cold, unspiritual condition of his church, let him consider the warm, glowing love and devoted service that has always accompanied the right understanding of this ‘blessed hope.’  If the church is given to carelessness and worldliness, let him recall that for this there has been provided the ‘purifying hope.’  As under-shepherds shall we not go down on our faces before God and there question whether we have been giving these dependent ones their ‘meat in due season’?”


Quotes from this book:

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