For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus (1 Timothy 2:5) This is such an age of conformity, unanimity, and ecumenical oneness that we can hardly speak of God except in all-inclusive terms. If one were to express that he believes his God to be the only real […]
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Tag: Modern Authors / Theological Issues
What We Talk About When We Talk About Go...
Rob Bell’s newest book is out, though without the hype that accompanied his last book. We gave a full article to reviewing Love Wins when it came out in early 2012, we gave an article to Brian McLaren’s A New Kind of Christianity, and we gave another article to the theological method (narrative theology) that […]
Dispensational Understanding of the New ...
Regular Baptist Press released this book at the end of 2012. It is of interest to me because I consider myself a traditional dispensationalist and also because I know some of the authors. The book is a result of discussions that have taken place at the Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics which has met periodically since […]
Mere Apologetics
I have generally enjoyed books by Alister McGrath. He is a professor at King’s College in London and president of the Oxford Center for Christian Apologetics. He is basically a mid-stream evangelical who you really identify with at one point and are really frustrated with at another. For example, in this book he is really […]
Becoming Conversant With The Emerging Ch...
This was my second reading of this book, the first being in 2005 when it was published. Since I was on my way to Turkey to speak to a number of Russian pastors about postmodernism and the emerging church, I thought it would be good to reread Carson. This is one of those books that […]
The Kingdom of God in the Gospels
Few subjects have been of greater interest to me in my ministry as a pastor and teacher than that of the Kingdom of God. Coming out of high school and going to Bible College I knew nothing of its doctrinal significance. I must confess that I knew little more than that coming out of Bible […]
The Spectrum of Evangelicalism
This new and interesting volume in the Counterpoints series includes a section on Fundamentalism by Kevin Bauder, past president and current research professor at Central Seminary in Minneapolis. It is not often that a real fundamentalist is asked to participate in this kind of format. Kevin, my personal friend and past classmate, does not disappoint […]
The Gospel and Narrative
Long John Silver is a prominent name in the minds of those young (and older) boys who have read Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island. Throughout the entire story young Jim Hawkins struggles with who the real Long John Silver is and how to understand his actions. Is he the affable, generous sea cook, and friend […]
Bible Wine
The subject of whether or not a Christian should drink alcoholic beverages may be today’s most controversial Christian subject, especially among younger believers. John MacArthur just posted an article on his website titled, “Beer, Bohemianism, and True Christian Liberty,” which begins, “If everything you know about Christian living came from blogs and websites in the […]
A New Kind of Liberalism
Christianity Liberalism In 2001 Brian McLaren wrote A New Kind of Christian1in which he made bold statements against orthodox Christian beliefs. He proposed that heaven and hell are really the same place which some will enjoy and some will not;2 salvation belongs to everyone because God loves everyone and, therefore all will eventually be […]