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Orthodoxy and Heresy in Early Christian ...

The list of beneficial and informative books edited by Dr. Paul Hartog continues to grow. Hartog, a trained patristics scholar, has compiled ten chapters along with eight other New Testament and church history scholars, to examine the long-standing liberal thesis of Walter Bauer (1877-1960). The book is extremely beneficial to believers today because Bauer’s thesis, […]

The Greatness of the Kingdom

During my seminary years (1972-1975) I was assigned this book as the text for a class on the Kingdom. I think this one book did more for my understanding of the New Testament, especially the Gospels, than any other book I read during those years. That class on the kingdom was taught by Dr. Rolland […]

Strange Fire

It has been about twenty years since MacArthur wrote Charismatic Chaos. Strange Fire is more than just an update of the older treatise on Charismatics, it is an up-to-date and urgent plea for rejecting their false doctrine of ongoing revelation and renewal of miraculous gifts. Regardless of what one may like or dislike about MacArthur, […]

The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent

The alarming growth of Islam around the world and especially in the United States is a subject of interest to all Christians.  Lutzer does his usual good job of documenting the rise of Islam with its government of Shariah Law, the Muslim Brotherhood, and its goal of eventual takeover of the whole world in the […]

How We Got Our Bible

Thomas (1861-1924) was born in England and was for years principal of Wycliffe College, Oxford.  Though he was a regular Keswick speaker, he also became co-founder, with L.S. Chafer, of Dallas Theological Seminary in 1924 but died in the same year (L.S. Chafer continued to serve as president until his death in 1952).  Thomas was […]

Prophecy For Today

Pentecost is one of my favorite writers, especially on prophecy.  I strongly recommend his larger work, Things To Come and his work on the life of Christ, The Words and Works of Jesus Christ.  This book is a shorter work (about 200 pages) which takes the reader through a chronological picture of prophecy from the […]

Apparent Danger

The subtitle of the book is “The Pastor of America’s First Megachurch and the Texas Murder Trial of the Decade in the 1920s.”  This is a research project by David Stokes about J. Frank Norris and his acquittal for the killing of D.E. Chipps on the grounds of self-defense.  Although the book was an interesting […]