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The New Creation Model

Note: The following book review is an article regarding the New Creation Model written by Rick and Don Shrader for a gathering of family and friends later this year (2025). The main text being shared has been Michael Vlach’s book, The New Creation Model. The article, responds to Vlach’s book and the New Creationist view […]

The Uses of the Old Testament in the New

We have all used Walter Kaiser’s writings over the years (especially his Toward and Exegetical Theology). This book was originally published by Moody Press in 1985 and has since been reprinted by Wipf and Stock Publishers in 2001. The subject of the use of Old Testament passages (prophetical, typological, theological, and practical) by New Testament […]

Perspectives on Israel and the Church

This is one of many “Views” books which give the reader four different views on a subject.  This volume (2015) concerns the views on covenant theology and dispensational theology with a newer variation of each. The Traditional Covenantal View, by Robert L. Reymond, professor of Theology emeritus at Knox Theological Seminary. Covenant Theology has been […]

And It Came To Pass

This book is a composite of articles from The Third Annual C.E.F. Symposium on Preterism. It is fowarded by R.C. Sproul, the most well-known preterist of our day, and was published by Canon Plus in Moscow, Idaho in 1993. It is not, therefore, the most recent thing published by any means, but I don’t think […]

Salvation is Forever

Robert Gromacki was the long-time professor of Biblical Studies at Cedarville College. I had read this book years ago (first edition 1973, second edition 1981) as a young Bible college teacher myself. Gromacki was a dispensationalist and premillennial pretribulationalist, so he was read widely by fundamentalists in those days, myself included. This book is more […]

Five Views on Sanctification

Stanley Gundry is editor of this volume and the “Counterpoints” series.  This volume was first published in 1987 but continues to be relevant to any age.  The five views on sanctification are the Wesleyan, Reformed, Pentecostal, Keswick, and Augustinian-Dispensational perspectives.  John Walvoord wrote the dispensational perspective and gives the traditional point of view from that […]

Progressive Covenantalism

This 2016 book, by two Southern Seminary professors and eight other writers, explores the new challenge to traditional Covenant Theology.  There are ten chapters, or topics, discussed but Brent  Parker’s chapter on “The Israel-Christ-Church Relationship” is the clearest section of the book in defining just what Progressive Covenantalism is.  He writes, “Progressive Covenantalism argues that […]

The Life Story of C.I. Scofield

Biographies of great men are always a blessing and a help in placing things right in history.  C.I. Scofield is a household name among Christians because of the Reference Bible bearing his name.  Trumbull was a personal friend and student of Scofield’s and writes in a more positive tone than some other later writers who […]

Half the Church

Carolyn Custis James wrote this book as her own addendum to the best selling secular book, Half the Sky, which is a book based on the Chinese proverb that women hold up half the sky.  It is a cry for justice and action against the oppression of women and girls around the world.  Without having […]