I read the book also because I was given a copy for Christmas. Since I love to read biographies, and English history interests me, I read the book also, and I was not disappointed. Matthew Henry was a Puritan Dissenter known for his piety and writing though he was a pastor of two small churches […]
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Tag: Baptist / Baptists
The Pilgrim’s Progress
How many years has it been since you first read this classic book? I decided it had been too long for me and when I acquired a used Kindle with this book already on it, I read it that way. I must say that I again enjoyed it thoroughly and was challenged by its illustrations. […]
The Pilgrim Prince
Since I’ve been traveling to the UK to study Baptist Church history, I’ve been a student of John Bunyan. A good friend gave me this copy of a “Novel” (an historical fiction) about the life of Bunyan. Barr wrote other such histories about figures in history and this one in 1963. I found the historical […]
Dispensational Understanding of the New ...
Regular Baptist Press released this book at the end of 2012. It is of interest to me because I consider myself a traditional dispensationalist and also because I know some of the authors. The book is a result of discussions that have taken place at the Council on Dispensational Hermeneutics which has met periodically since […]
Baptist Distinctives
We welcome new and fresh writing on Baptist polity. Kevin Bauder is research professor of systematic theology at Central Baptist Theological Seminary in Plymouth, MN. The more Dr. Bauder writes, the better it is for fundamental Baptists. Bauder departs from the traditional acrostic outline for Baptist distinctives and presents the material in six divisions as […]
Spurgeon’s Autobiography, Vol III
I have been working my way through this large set. It was originally done in London by Passmore and Alabaster in 1899. It was compiled posthumously by Spurgeon’s wife and his private secretary, although Spurgeon personally wrote most of it during his lifetime. Today you can buy it through Pilgrim Publications in Pasadena, TX. It […]
One Heart and One Soul
The subtitle of this book is “John Sutcliff of Olney, his friends and his times.” Our stop in the beautiful little English town of Olney includes the history of John Newton and William Cowper, but our Baptist interests are in the church that is now called “Sutcliff Baptist Church.” It was in this church that […]
Baptists Through the Centuries
Bebbington is a well-respected British historian. He has written a few books on the topic of evangelicalism in Great Britain and in America. This volume is an attempt to put into writing what he has taught on numerous occasions. Bebbington takes the reader through several topics driving toward an understanding of what it means to […]
John Wesley’s Awakening
I was given this 1937 book by a good friend who peruses used book stores. It was a great delight. On our trip to the UK each Spring we see Wesley’s London Chapel and museum which is across the street from Bunhill Fields, the dissenter’s graveyard (where Wesley’s mother Susanna is buried). John Wesley was […]
C.H. Spurgeon’s Autobiography, Vol 2
These few short years that began Spurgeon’s long London ministry (1854-1892) were nothing short of amazing. Spurgeon came to London as a stranger to the large city, looking much like a “country bumpkin” even to Susanna who would soon become his bride. Spurgeon and the people, however, quickly adapted to one another. Soon the New […]