I have always enjoyed reading J. Sidlow Baxter. He is a middle ground between Reformed and Pentecostal views of holiness. He argues at length against the eradication view of the old nature, but believes that true holiness is really attainable by the person we really are. He writes, “Before all else, even before orthodox dogma, […]
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Tag: Third Wave / Signs & Wonders / Cessationism
Holy Laughter & the Toronto Blessing
This is a 1995 Zondervan book that investigates the recent “Holy Laughter” phenomenon. Beverley is professor of theology at Ontario Theological Seminary in Toronto. His report is not as doctrinally precise as John MacArthur’s or as antagonistic as Hank Hanegraaff’s and, in my opinion, not as Scripturally weighted as it needs to be. Beverley, though […]
The Coming Evangelical Crisis
The sub-title to this timely volume is, “current challenges to the authority of scripture and the gospel.” Like other Moody books of this kind, this 1996 book is a compilation of articles by men of a Reformed or conservative Evangelical persuasion. They include R.C. Sproul, John MacArthur, Michael Horton and others. This reads much like […]
Vital Contemporary Issues
Last month I reviewed Vital Theological Issues from this same series. These books are a good way to bring yourself up to date on current issues. In section one, this volume deals with moral conflicts, abortion, homosexuality, euthanasia and AIDS. In section two, it deals with doctrinal issues such as Liberation Theology and the Signs […]
Reckless Faith
This is another timely book by MacArthur. As usual, it is well written and documented. He is critical of the consumer mentality within Christianity and of the lack of discernment among its leadership. He even uses the term ‘‘fundamentalist’’ in a positive light and compliments its founders as men of discernment. This volume is timely […]
Deceived by the Light
This is a response to Betty Eadie’s best-selling book Embraced by the Light, a supposed near death experience that has generated new interest in such things. Groothuis says, ‘‘Not all spiritual experiences are safe or dependable. Spiritual deception is far from rare. If we do not discern and reject deceptive claims to the truth, we […]
Six Spiritual Classics Rather than apologizing for quoting so much from C.S. Lewis over the past few months I decided to recommend a set of his books (some of which I have reviewed). This last year I decided to read a whole set (plus a biography) and have not at all regretted the project. As […]
I just read this 1947 book by Lewis as a part of a study on present day Charismatics. Among more recent books on the miraculous, this was a pleasant discovery and a refreshing engagement. Though you have to read Lewis in low gear, the slow journey is always worth it. Chapter fourteen, ‘‘The Grand Miracle’’ […]
Counterfeit Miracles
If you are interested in reading other evaluations of the Vineyard movement, many of which are more thorough, I would suggest the following books and articles. Charismatic Chaos by John MacArthur, chapter six, ‘‘What is behind the ‘Third Wave’ and where is it going?’’ Power Religion, edited by Michael Horton, part two, which has three chapters by […]
Testing the Wine from John Wimber’s Vine
If you are interested in reading other evaluations of the Vineyard movement, many of which are more thorough, I would suggest the following books and articles. Charismatic Chaos by John MacArthur, chapter six, ‘‘What is behind the ‘Third Wave’ and where is it going?’’ Power Religion, edited by Michael Horton, part two, which has three chapters by […]