This is a 1998 book on current apologetic trends as foreshadowed by these two well-known writers. The authors are both from Asbury Theological Seminary, which shows through the critique especially in the chapter on Inerrancy. I think, however, that the book is a fair evaluation of the views of these two prolific writers. The value […]
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Tag: Modernism / Postmodernism
Are We Too Sophisticated?
Sophism: false argument, one intended to deceive. Sophist: captious or clever but fallacious reasoner. Sophistic: related to sophism. Sophisticate: sophisticated person, related to sophism. Sophisticated: worldly-wise, cultured, elegant, highly developed and complex. The Oxford Dictionary of Current English (1993) G.K. Chesterton wrote, “Mere light sophistry is the thing that I happen to despise most of […]
Postmodernizing the Faith
This is a 1998 Baker book from a well-known theologian and author. Erickson admits that this is not his final word on the subject and that such a response is coming in the near future. This is a review of six leading writers on postmodernism, ranging from David Wells who adamantly opposes postmodernism as a […]
Christian Belief in a Postmodern World
Allen is Professor of Philosophy at Princeton Theological Seminary and is becoming a well-known author and lecturer. This is more a book on apologetics than on postmodernism yet he is arguing for a mode through which we might reach this present generation. Though for Allen, lost man is not compelled to conclude God’s existence through […]
Postmodernist Culture
Though I would not recommend this book as a starting point on the subject of postmodernism, it is a detailed analysis of today’s postmodern culture. Connor, Professor of English at Birkbeck College, London University, takes to task any notion of culture being morally neutral. “In popular culture as elsewhere, the postmodern condition is not a […]
Technological Symbolism Over Substance
Postmodernism’s pragmatic instrumental view of language is why image is everything in our culture. Language is not neutral but a tool by which those in power or in control of the media can manipulate and construct reality.1 Timothy Phillips and Dennis Okholm I believe it was Confucius who said, “When words lose their meaning, people […]
Addicted to Mediocrity
This is a ‘93 edition of the ‘81 book by the son of Francis Schaeffer. I have always enjoyed Francis, and Franky has a lot of his father in him. I do find Franky to be more caustic and possessing less patience with us Philistines than his father. He is, however, obviously well-versed in the […]
Great Is Diana Of The Ephesians
Sirs, ye know that by this craft we have our wealth. Moreover ye see and hear, that not alone at Ephesus, but almost throughout all Asia, this Paul hath persuaded and turned away much people, saying that they be no gods, which are made with hands: So that not only this our craft is in […]
The Soul in Cyber-Space
I have always enjoyed Groothuis in the area of apologetics and contemporary issues. This 1997 Baker book is a must for all who have to travel in computer worlds. As many such writers, Groothuis rehearses the decline in rational thinking from reading and digesting words in books to listening without seeing words on radio to […]
Telling The Old, Old Story
Christian literature, to be accepted and approved by the evangelical leaders of our times, must follow very closely . . . a kind of ‘party line’ from which it is scarcely safe to depart. A half-century of this in America has made us smug and content. We imitate each other with slavish devotion and our […]