This 1997 book by Sproul is a Calvinistic answer to Clark Pinnock, editor of a 1989 volume, The Grace of God, The Will of Man, a case for Arminianism. Sproul points out that though both sides give assent to the freedom of man to choose, the underlying issue is whether prevenient grace from God enables […]
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Tag: Modern Authors / Theological Issues
Reading Dogged Issues During Dogged Days
The habit of reading is absolutely critical today, particularly for Christians. As television turns our society into an increasingly image-dominated culture, Christians must continue to be people of the Word. When we read, we cultivate a sustained attention span, an active imagination, a capacity for logical analysis and critical thinking, and a rich inner life. […]
The Bible Version Debate
Reading Dogged Issues During Dogged Days From The August 1997 Issue of Aletheia. The habit of reading is absolutely critical today, particularly for Christians. As television turns our society into an increasingly image-dominated culture, Christians must continue to be people of the Word. When we read, we cultivate a sustained attention span, an active […]
The Bible Code
Reading Dogged Issues During Dogged Days From The August 1997 Issue of Aletheia. The habit of reading is absolutely critical today, particularly for Christians. As television turns our society into an increasingly image-dominated culture, Christians must continue to be people of the Word. When we read, we cultivate a sustained attention span, an active […]
The Purpose Driven Church
Rick Warren is the pastor of the Saddleback Valley Community Church in Orange County, CA., an SBC church. The church has grown to over 10,000 in attendance in fifteen years of existence. Although Warren says the book is about church health, not church growth (p. 17), it is no doubt a church growth book as […]
Breaking Down The Walls
Racial Reconciliation Books The following two books are reviewed as part of an ongoing study of the “Racial Reconciliation” phenomenon typified by the growing number of new books and public speakers. My comments on these two books do not necessarily reflect my conclusion on the whole movement. I have been reminded so far of many […]
Breaking Through
Racial Reconciliation Books The following two books are reviewed as part of an ongoing study of the “Racial Reconciliation” phenomenon typified by the growing number of new books and public speakers. My comments on these two books do not necessarily reflect my conclusion on the whole movement. I have been reminded so far of many […]
Dispensationalism: Rightly Dividing the ...
I picked up this 1995 book because I thought I had misread the title. I didn’t. I also noticed it was endorsed by R.C. Sproul. Mathison left Dallas Seminary and transferred to Reformed Theological Seminary. His criticism of today’s dispensationalism is nothing new and his alternative view is standard Reformed doctrine. So I still don’t […]
What About Lewis and Chesterton?
This means open war between men, in which everyone is obliged to take sides, either with the dogmatists or with the skeptics, because anyone who imagines he can stay neutral is a skeptic par excellence. This neutrality is the essence of their clique. Anyone who is not against them is their staunch supporter, and that […]
Chesterton is one of the most quoted authors of this century (1874-1036), but his books have been some of the most difficult to find. Now the Wheaton Literary Series (1994) has reproduced this 1908 classic. In his own words, ‘‘If any one is entertained by learning how the flowers of the field or the phrases […]