The interest in the so-called “lost gospels” as well as the curiosity over DaVinci’s “Last Supper” caused me to read this book. Basically, it is all old hat. The author writes as if Christians have never heard theories of the mother-son “sacred feminine” worship or that there is apocryphal literature that was rejected as non-canonical. […]
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Tag: Modern Authors / Theological Issues
Vital Church Issues
There are at least twelve books in this “Issues” series, printed by Kregel but copyrighted by Dallas Seminary. I have reviewed quite a few of these over the years and have always enjoyed the variety they present. They usually contain fifteen or twenty articles written by various qualified authors. This issue is devoted to the […]
Escape From Church, Inc.
Wagner, pastor of Calvary Church in Charlotte, NC and former Promise Keepers employee, is speaking out against the CEO style pastor and for the Shepherd style pastor. I enjoyed his statements against using current business and leadership techniques to build churches, including daring to question evangelical gurus such as George Barna (whom I have often […]
No Past, No Future, No God!
Blaise Pascal wrote, “We are so unwise that we wander about in times that do not belong to us and do not think of the only one that does; so vain that we dream of times that are not and blindly flee the only one that is.”1 It seems that in times of unbelief, the […]
Creating God in the Image of Man?
Geisler, now the President of Southern Evangelical Seminary in Charlotte, NC, makes a current (1997) critique of “neotheism,” the open view of God espoused by Clark Pinnock and others, and “panentheism” or “process theology,” the view that God is actually changing as He gains knowledge of how the world is unfolding. “This book warns of […]
Fulfilling Your God-Given Destiny
Do not Treat yourself to this book!! Treat is a charismatic essentially preaching a prosperity gospel. Which is interesting in view of the fact that one of Treat’s earlier books was titled Errors of the Prosperity Gospel. The writer’s treatise is that God has “planned your destiny and He will help you find it” which […]
Vital Christology Issues
This is the fourth in the “Vital” series that I have read. These are reprinted articles from Dallas Seminary’s Bib Sac. I have enjoyed every one and I think they are a great way to brush up on your rusty theology with current application.
The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail
This 1995-6 book is an apologetic for the church, not based upon scriptural argument, but based upon experiential argument, i.e. based on worldly attacks upon the church which have failed throughout the ages and continue to fail today. Kennedy correlates the strength of the church to church growth. As evidence of the vitality of the […]
Just As I Am
It is not a quick read but it is an interesting one, through the 735 pages of the life of the well-known evangelist. At times it is more like a modern Marco Polo considering all the well-known people and places Graham has encountered. From the small dairy farm in North Carolina to the palaces of […]
Born Crucified
This little book has been read by many in search of a deeper walk with God. It is one of those books (and authors) that people either absolutely love or hate. I think that is because it represents the thirst in America for true, Holy Spirit revival and yet at the same time is a […]