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The Emerging Church Phenomenon

We have been studying Postmodernism for twenty years.  Christian writers and non-Christian writers alike sounded a note of alarm at what the effects of this cultural paradigm shift would be upon the Church.  In 1996, James White proposed, “Now a new tidal wave, called by the scholars postmodernity, is sweeping across Western thought, undermining the […]

Promise Unfulfilled

 Dr. McCune, former President of Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary, is a former professor of mine from Central Baptist Seminary in Minneapolis.  Dr. McCune’s study of the evangelical movement over the last thirty to forty years is well known through classrooms, lectures and writings.  It is a great help and blessing to fundamentalism to have this […]

Deceived on Purpose

I have read numerous tracts, pamphlets, articles and books on Rick Warren and his Purpose Driven Phenomenon.  I would recommend this book for fairly easy but informative reading (200 pages, fully footnoted in paper cover).  Smith is a freelance writer with university degrees who works in social work on the west coast.  Most interesting to […]

The Spirituality of the Cross

In a world of information, when we learn good things from a number of sources, it is good to be pulled back to the reality of basic doctrinal beliefs.  Such was my disappointing experience from reading this book.  I cut my teeth on postmodernism ten years ago by reading Postmodern Times by Gene Veith and […]

Fool’s Gold

This book is written by a cross-section of Staff and Teachers from MacArthur’s ministries.  It contains some needed rebuttal’s to things such as Warren’s Purpose-Driven Life; John Eldredge’s Wild At Heart; and a review of The Resolve New Testament.  Other general chapters on discernment and ministry are helpful and challenging.  MacArthur does the chapter on […]

The Scandal of the Evangelical Conscienc...

The sub-title is “Why are Christians Living Just Like the Rest of the World?”  The title itself was enough to make me buy the book.  The first chapter is packed full of interesting statistics that show that “Evangelical Christians” commit the same sins, to the same degree, as non-Christians.  I was not as satisfied with […]

Music in the Balance

Special Topic Books Two slightly older books on music that I wanted to read were Frank Garlock and Kurt Woetzel, Music in the Balance, and Leonard Seidel, Face The Music.  Both are quite perceptive of what lay ahead in the field of church music.  It’s my opinion that we should have paid more attention to […]